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Sorry guys I unpublished this chapter by mistake while editing. So I published it again.

6 years passed in a jiffy. Pandavas completed their vanavas and agyatvas in Virat kingdom. The Kauravas under the influence of Shakuni tried to wage war against the Virat kingdom but we're not successful in defeating them. Everyone in Virat kingdom along with Pandavas, their wives and the upapandavas were in Virat kingdom celebrating the wedding Subhadranandan Abhimanyu and Sudeshnasutaa Uttara, the only princess of Virat. The atmosphere was jubilant. But the heart of pious Yagyaseni loomed with a sudden sadness thinking about her first born. She wanted to meet him and shower all the love on him. But she does not know anything about him. How will she find him when she doesn't even knows how he looks like? She wanted to ask Govind about her son but couldn't gather the courage. She was brought back to reality when Krishna called her.

Krishna: Where are you lost sakhi?

Draupadi: Nothing sakha.

Krishna: Are you sure it's nothing?

Draupadi: Hmm.

Krishna: Don't you trust me sakhi.

Draupadi: Ofcourse I do Govind.

Krishna: Then tell me what's bothering you.

Draupadi: Bhairav..

Krishna: Bhairav? What about bhairav?

Draupadi: Sakha, I can't wait any longer. I want to meet my son. I want to see him. I want to know how his childhood was. How he grew up? Who was the great person who gave him the love which I should have showered on him? I want to thank the person.

Krishna: Will you be able to handle the truth if I tell you sakhi? Will you be able to thank the person if i say his name?

Draupadi: What kind of question is this sakha? Obviously I will thank them whoever took care of my child.

Krishna: I have given your son to someone whom you don't like at all but according to the prophecy only he is eligible to be the father of you son.

Draupadi: Who is he Govind?

Krishna: Radhey is a very kind person sakhi. He never returns anyone empty handed.

Draupadi: Govind I asked the name of the man whom you gave my son and here you are praising Magdh Raj.

Krishna: I already said the name.

Draupadi: What? That means... No.. no Govind. How could you do this? How could you let my son go in the hands of that sutputra? And above all he is arch enemy of my husband. I wanted my son to have morals and a good life. But you gave him to that man?

Krishna: That's why I asked you again and again if you trust me or not. And this is destiny sakhi.

Draupadi: But he himself was friend of that evil and how could you expect such a person to give my son a good life?

Krishna: Sakhi, if he had not passed his morals to Daksh then you would not have been saved by him in the dyutsabha. Remember?

Draupadi: But why did you give my son to him only? Didn't you find anyone else?

Krishna: Remeber the boon Sakhi. The father of Daksh ought to have all the qualities that Pandavas together posses. And according to the boon only Karna is capable o that. And don't worry. He loves Daksh more than anyone in this earth can.

Draupadi was a crying mess now. She couldn't believe that Karna is that person. But why would he accept her son. Did he not know that Daksh is her son?

Draupadi: But why would he accept my son? What if he turned my son against my husbands in the name of revenge? Anything could have happened. Didn't you consider these points for once sakha?

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