~: Hastinapur Under Attack? :~

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The discussion that took place a while ago brought drastic changes. Some were happy and someone was still grumpy about the decisions of Yudhishthir. Some people had neutral expressions.

After Yudhishthir, Karn and Krishna left the tent Bheem who was still not happy with his brother's decision started showing his displeasure regarding the decision taken.

Bheem: I don't understand what was the need of bringing him in our side. An Adharmi like him should be killed and it would have been possible only if he fought on behalf of Duryodhan. He and his son, I can't tolerate them even for a bit but now I have to take orders from that Sut? How shameful!

Maharaj Drupad: Rajkumar Bheem, for once think practically. He is fighting from our side. And moreover Magadh has a good amount of contribution in our army. And he and his son are such great warriors which only adds to our strength against the Kauravas. So I think it would be better if we stop fighting among ourselves.

Annoyed with the behaviour of Rajkumar Bheem, Maharaj Drupad left the tent. Maharaj Virat also left the place leaving behind the four sons of Pandu only.

Here outside the camp Yudhisthir is still in a dilemma regarding his decision so he decided to talk to Krishna. He immediately went towards the tent of Krishna. Because his mind was restleses and krishna is the only one who can calm his mind. With permission he entered the tent.

Krishna: Bhrata yudhisthir come inside. Have a seat.

Yudhisthir: Hey Vasudev, I don't know why but my heart is very much restless. Am I doing the right thing. Is it dharma?

Krishna: What made you think so Bhrata Yudhisthir?

Yudhisthir: Vasudev, I don't doubt the skills of Magadhraj Karn. I am just thinking about the conflicts that may rise in the battle field among our people only, because not everyone is going to accept him.

Krishna: Do you think that the warriors from our side will go against the orders of an emperor?

Yudhisthir: So you are telling me to order them?

Krishna: That won't be necessary I think.

Yudhisthir: You said emperor vasudev. Who else will do that?

Krishna: I hope you didn't forget that the mighty king of magadh won entire Aryavart a few years back.

Yudhishthir: But he didn't claim the title of Samrat.

Krishna: He doesn't needs to claim it. Everyone knows the truth. And who would go against the successor of Bhagwan parshuram.

Yudhishthir: Successor? Interesting. I didn't know that.

Krishna: The world around you is full of mysteries bhrata Yudhishthir. You only know those facts which time wants you to know.

Yudhishthir: You are right Krishna. Let's see what happens tommorow. But what about Yuvrani of magadh. We didn't inform her yet. And how is she going to stop bhishma?

Krishna: Don't worry bhrata yudhisthir. Everything will happen as planned by destiny. And I will talk to Bhairavi tonight. Have faith in my decision.

Yudhisthir just nodded his head in agreement and later left from there with a clear vision in his mind. While krishna kept looking at the door with a smile.

Krishna(to himself): Be ready my children. Tomorrow is a big for both of you. And my blessings are always with you.

The night passed faster than usual and the next day the sun rose above the horizon marking the beginning of the second day of the brutal war.

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