All I Ever Wanted

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Author Notes

Sorry that it had to have a R rating. I tried to keep it PG13 but i guess the use of language got too much. 

P.S i hope you enjoy my book

 ~Raiana's POV~

And here is my entire family 

   My parents were high school sweethearts; My parents had my older brother James when they were 16. My mom Hally is a short petite beautiful woman who is biracial. She is mixed with Middle Eastern and Eastern European. My dad, Jay is a tall strong African American man who is an ex Navy Seal (so for me there was no chance I could ever bring a guy home because my dad is one scary guy who was trained to use a gun) My dad and I are close but he is always gone with Military stuff which doesn't really help because I grew up as a military brat.

James (37 years old) is the typical older brother. He is 20 years older than me. James is also in the Navy. James is exactly like my dad which is scary. James is the over bearing over protective brother who won’t get off my god damn back about my life. He is married to Willow (who is like a sister to me because she was around when I was growing up) and they have 4 kids together and a 5th one on the way.

Dre (30) is the second eldest and he is the more laid back one. He owns his own record label and he has produced up rising artists. He is also married and he has twin girls. He lives in New York and he spoils his daughters rotten and Dre is one of my favorite older brothers because he doesn't get on my case like the others.

Major- (29)(Or I perfer to call him "The Major Pain in My ass") my dad named him when became major he is the wonder boy of the family and the 3rd oldest. Major just made his way through medical schcool  and is about to finish his internship. Major is the favorite because now my parents can say that one of their sons is a doctor. Major is a prick basically and he is a Major pain in my ass. All he cares about is himself and you should feel sorry to his fiancée because she has to marry him.

Ace (23) (and yes Ace because my dad thought it would so cool to name a kid Ace and my mom must of been pumped up on pain killers to agree to name him Ace) But Ace being the 4 eldest did live up to his name. Ace is the popular guy that doesn't have a care in the world. (Maybe because of all the pot he smokes could have an effect) Ace just barely graduated from college and is now home because he is struggling to get a job and he says he is inspiring to be a rapper.  (I guess all that parting didn't pay off Ace?)

Sailor- (19) (and yes AGAIN my dad got to name him and thought this time it would be funny to name him Sailor since he is a Navy Seal and I think again my mom was hopped up on pain killer to actually let him name his son Sailor) but Sailor is my partner in crime, only one of my older brothers I am close to. Sailor hates his name sooooo much that we just call him Si (idk why but we do) Si is a soccer player and all my friends want to bang him (gross but they all have told me) Si is a player and he is known to be a ladies’ man. And he likes it if nobody knows his real name.

Easton (15) Easton is baby number 8 or I might say the oopps we were hoping for another girl. Easton is your typical teenage boy. Smells, rude, pervert, and awkward as fuck. He is annoying and he is a freshmen who is a star basketball player (which being half black does have its perks) he is tall like my dad (which basically all my older brothers are taller than six foot) And he is a pain in my ass because he thinks he is the shit because he is more popular than me. 

Mila (13) is the second girl and she is a bitch. Yes she is my little sister and I should lover her but I don't. She is a teenager now who at the age of 13 she is acts like a slut, she is miss perfect and I call her friends the barbz because they are mini Barbies. She basically runs her middle school and everyone is afraid of her cuz she is such a bitch. 

Ariella (10) ohhh Ella is my favorite out of my sisters because she is not at the bitch stage yet and she is the weirdest little kid I have ever met. I don't know how she comes up with half the shit she says but I love her to death. 

Hudson (9) ohh huddy, also my other favorite. I call him huddy even though he hates it. He is the smart ass of our family and he is only 9. Hudson is a character always making smart ass comments (which my parents blame me because apparently I am the queen of smart ass comments) 

Tianna (6) she is one diva that you cannot out diva this diva. And basically that sums up Ti Ti DIVA FOR LIFE.

Seal (4) (name not after the singer) Again my dad got to pick this name because he thought Seal would be a perfect name for a son of his. Seal is 4 and is a pain because he is always destroying shit a ruining my life. But I love Seal to death because that boy has a potential to be a future Romeo in the making. 

So this is my family and yes it is a long this but there is soooo many of us. You might think why do I want to be normal? But come on I have 13 brother and sisters and a dad that is an EX NAVY SEAL!! I swear I might just become a nun because no guy would ever have sex with me because my dad could kill him 100 different ways with his eyes closed. But hey I am a teenage girl and my family just doesn't get it. Being a teen sucks ass especially when everyone loves your siblings. 

So this is where my story starts. My junior year has only one more semester left and then I’m home free for summer. At school you could say I am not the most popular girl but I would not say I am at the bottom of the food chain. I get invited to parties and stuff. I would say I am in the middle of the food chain. 

I love my crazy friend’s I don'tknow how I would survive without Vi (Violet), Nova, Carter, Tristan, and Riley. We are the 6 best friends who are crazy and love life. Nova and Tristan are the couple of the group. which I don't mind because they are cute together but I hate it when Tristan does something to piss Nova off and me being the good friend I am hears both of them bitch because either one of them don't know what the other did to make them mad. Carter is the play boy of the group, I would say I have no clue why Carter is our friend because Carter is popular but besides that I love Carter, he is the funny perverted and we both like to take things too far to see the expressions of people's faces and he loves himself some weed. You got Vi my over liberal black lesbian friend (I don't mind she is a lesbian because she told me that "I’m not her type" I was hurt but hey I guess I’m not) Vi is very open about her sexuality and she loves her some vag (that’s is what she says all the time) and her and the guys love to talk about the vag. And last you got Riley the bad boy of the group. I mean Riley is always getting in trouble. I have known Riley for awhile because both of our dad's are in the military. Riley can make any girl melt to their knees (including me sometimes but I don't like him like that) and soo there is my crazy friends. 

You might ask what about me and what about it. I am Raiana or Rai Rai. I am me. I live life to its fullest and I live it crazy. There is never a dull moment with and that is why I am gonna give you a free access to my life and the crazy things that pass through my mind. And if you are lucky you might get others point of views. 

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