Chapter 19- Late?

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Chapter 19- late?

~Vi's POV~ 

It has been a month since that god forbid weekend, when I realize that life is short and that you shouldn't waste it and live it to the fullest. Just seeing Rai in the hospital and seeing Aaron never leaving her side made me think will I ever find someone? Or will I always be alone? Before I never really care about that stuff, I was more focused on how I would play to get my next hook up. But I never really thought about being in a relationship. 

But enough about me, I need to focus on Operation A-Run and Razor. I need to find a way to get Rai to realize that her and Aaron are meant for each other. I know that right now might not be the greatest time since the whole thing with Jamar but maybe this is what Rai needs. 

Right now I am on my way to Rai's house because Nova has sent for an emergency meeting. I don't know what is going on but Nova is freaking out when she called. I asked if I needed to kick Tristan's ass but she reassured me that I didn't need to. So that crosses one thing off but I just can't quite figure out what exactly is happening with Nova. 

~Nova's POV~ 

I can't stop pacing around Rai's room because I am nervous of what I am about to say. And why the hell isn't Vi here yet? I am going to snap because god I am freaking out. 

So let me tell you why I am freaking out. I am freaking out because I am late. Yes my monthly gift is late. And to top it all off Tristan and I had sex the night of the state game, one month ago. I swear if I am pregnant I don't know what I will do? I can't be a teen mom at the age 17. I can't miss out on my senior year having a kid. Does that make me a terrible person because I don't want to have a baby?

My heart finally rejoiced when Vi finally ran into Rai's room out of breath. "God Damn, Nova what the fuck is going on!" Vi huffed out. 

"Yeah Nov, you didn't tell me anything cuz you wanted to wait for Vi. And since Vi is finally here. Can you explain why you called an emergency meeting?" 

"Umm...Rai can we discuss this in the tree house because I don't feel comfortable saying it here." I tried to hold back the tears. 

Rai and Vi pulled me into a group hug. "Nov, please tell us what’s the matter?" Vi pleaded. 

I took a deep breath and pulled out of the embrace. "I'M LATE" 

"WHAT?" Rai looked like she saw a ghost. 

Vi is standing there with her mouth open in shock. 

Rai finally composed herself and looked me in the eye. 

"Nov, you know you have to have sex to be late?" 

I started to blush and nod my head. With my action Vi let out a shriek and pulled me into a hug. 

"AHHHH NOVA AND TRISTAN FINALLY DID THE DIRTY DIRTY." she jumped up and down. Then when the moment passed Vi hit me in the shoulder. "Why the hell are we just finding out that you aren't a virgin?" 

I took a deep breath "I was nervous to tell you guys. I mean I have heard all of your guys sexcapades but I am shy and I didn't know how to tell you guys without blushing about it. But I am sorry I kept something this big from you guys." 

Rai came over a pulled me into another hug. "It is okay, Nov to be shy about your first time. Trust me I was so afraid to tell you guys about my first time. I was more ashamed with myself that I was drunk at a party and I ended up having drunk sex with yours truely Carter. I mean come on Nov, you and Tristan have been going out forever and I lost my virginity to my best friend Carter and he lost his drunk. Do you know how awkward it was for the both of us not remembering what happen and waking up naked next to your best friend? I was petrified knowing what happen but in the end I am glad that it wasn't with some stranger but with my best friend and where we could laugh about this later on." Rai ended with a smile. "So I had to tell you all the shameful secretes of what happened with me and Carter and now it is your turn."

All three of us sat in Rai's tree house on the floor, while I gushed about Mine and Tristan's first time together. I told them how I surprised him in a trench coat with some sexy lingerie underneath and all the events that occurred after. Vi was shocked that I actually showed up in a trench coat and Rai just shook her head saying she knew that I was a closet freak and who would of thought that I would be the one into role play. We joked and laugh until we got to the real reason we were here. 

Vi took a deep breath and said that we needed to find out now, so later tonight if it is true we can make a plan. Vi left to the drug store to pick up the test to see if I am really pregnant and Rai and I just waited. 

When Vi finally returned with the test, I chug a bottle of water and made my way to the bathroom. I am so nervous because I would never thought that I would be peeing on a stick at the age of 17 wondering if there is a bun in my oven or not. 

10 minutes later

"So are you ready to face your fate?" Vi asked

I shook my head no. "Can you guys check, I don't know if I can handle this right now." I could just feel my body start to shake. Rai came over and wrapped me in a hug while Vi went into the bathroom to see my fate. 

There was a long pause while Vi was in the bathroom and it was killing me. I needed to know NOW! 

Vi finally came out of the bathroom with the 3 test in her hand with a smile on her face. 

Oh no! Could that be a good thing or a bad thing? God why did she have to smile. 

I am at the point where I can't stop shaking because I was so nervous. Rai could tell "VI FOR PETE SAKES TELL US THE GOD DAMN RESULTS BEFORE NOVA HAS AN ANEURISM HERE!"

Vi chuckled and grinned "Well isn't someone pushy?" 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TELL ME!" I demanded because it is killing me to know. 

"Fine, even though you guys asked rudely, I am going to ignore your rudeness before Nova snaps at me again." she took and deep breath and smiled "To the fate of Nova Irene Samuels....the verdict isssssssssssssssssssssssssss NOT PREGNANT!!" 

I nearly passed out on the floor if Rai wasn't holding me. I let out a cry of relief. I am not pregnant! I fell into my best friends arms and sob of relief. Because there is nothing to worry about....I am Not Pregnant. 

"I am kind of disappointed because I was started to like the idea of being a godmother." Rai said out of the blue. 

"WHAT THE FUCK RAI!" Vi said while she threw a pillow at her. "Really Rai, disappointed about not getting to be a godmother? Coming from the girl who has little brothers and sisters and has nieces and nephews. I think you will survive, Hun" 

"Who said you would be a godmother?" I question to just mess with Rai. 

Rai did her over dramatic face acting like I just stabbed her in the heart. 

I started to laugh because Rai is soooo over dramatic. "Rai I am only kidding you girl. I would never do something so cruel to you." I smirked 

"Lies! Lies I tell you!" Rai said with her over dramatic voice again. 

Vi and I threw another pillow at her to shut her up but that just egged her on. I swear Rai could be a soap actress and then a standup comedian on the side because she is just that talented. 

So the rest of the night us girls just chilled in the tree house talking about non sense and life. It felt nice after all the stress I went through today. I had a smile on my face because I am relief about not being pregnant. It is not that I don't want to have Tristan's babies but not yet. At least I want to finish college and get married and THEN start a life with Tristan. He is the one for me and I am glad that we get to wait till we are ready to start our family. 

Author's Note: Sorry for another short chapter but this a filler in wrapping things up from the events that happened. After this chapter is going to focus more of operation A-Run and Razor and Major and Hope's wedding. Also Nick will be back too. 

Were you shocked that Rai and Carter were each other's first times? Did some of you think it was Riley??? Or did you think that Nova should be pregnant with Tristan's baby? Tell me your thoughts about it. 

So comment, Like, Vote, or whatever you do and continue to read because trust me more drama will happen with Rai and her family and friends.

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