Chapter 21- In Our Hearts Forever

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 Chapter 21- In Our Hearts Forever

Stephanie Michaels's Thoughts (Aaron's mom thoughts looking down on Earth. Her thoughts are in italics.)

(This chapter the stuff that isn't in italics are written in third person)

I look down and can't help but smile. The way that Hally is reacting was the same way I acted when I discovered the razor tattoo my son got. I couldn't help but feel happy and joyous that my son has a friend  (crossing my fingers. Soon to be more than just a childhood friend) in his life. I just hope Rai follows her heart and tells Aaron how she really feels. 


I guess that pep talk Hally gave her really worked because the look on Rai's face has determination and motivation to finally have the guy she really deserves. And Hal you are right that maybe I am not around physically but I am around in spirit and in the ones I love heart's. Along with watching our two teenagers' love grow and flourish. But I am always looking down on my loved ones making sure they are living their life the way it deserves to be lived. 

That day you came and visited me Hally while I was in the hospital really made me think that when I pass, Aaron will need someone there for him. And the first person who popped into my mind was Aaron's Razor. I knew that the years have went bye and they haven't seen each other in awhile but I just knew that what they had was still there deep within their hearts. I know for a fact that Aaron never forgot Rai because over the years he always tried to casually bring up the Harrison family when Charlie went to visit Jay. But what I do believe is that even though Rai might have not remembered Aaron right away but I know that there was something there even as the years went on that didn't surface until now.


I can tell the closer and closer Rai is to Aaron's room the more nervous she is becoming. I just wanna hug her and tell her that their is nothing to be afraid of and that once you admit your feelings you will feel so much better. That there is nothing wrong with taking this chance to achieve happiness that you are searching for. That you will never know if you don't try. Typical motherly words to calm her down.

"Oh god oh god oh god! what am I thinking? Why did I agree to do this again?" Rai said to herself pacing outside Aaron's door. Rai ran her hands through her hair "Oh yeah I know why? My mom built up my confidence telling me that I should just admit it. But what if I admit it and Aaron doesn't feel the same? Will our friendship change? Oh god oh god oh god!" Rai continues to pace around like a mad women. And right now I have the urge to smack her silly because OH COURSE AARON FEELS THE SAME! I swear kids these days just aren't observant and pay no attention to the obvious things right in front of you. They just deny or second guess things all the time.

I watch her pace back and forth, back and forth for about 15 minutes having an internal battle of what she should do. But then with that same determination and motivation that she had early she finally knocks on his door.While Rai was pacing like a mad woman outside his door, Aaron was lying in his bed tossing a baseball in the air. With some music playing in the background while he is trying to sort out his thoughts.

As soon as Aaron heard the knock on his door, he jolted up because he just had this feeling that it was important. As he made his way to the door, Rai was flipping her shit tempted to turn around and run but before she could do that Aaron opened the door. Now Rai has no other choice, now is the time.

When Aaron saw Rai at his door, he crack a smile because she was just the person he was thinking of. Probably going tease her about how she was forced into going to the family wedding planing day. And I am looking down thinking that Rai how can you be so blind? Just your presents brighten up his day.

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