Part Two- I Guess the Cats Out of It's Bag

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~Rai's POV~ 

One moment I was enjoying a very intimate with MY BOYFRIEND AARON!!! I know it will never get old in my mind saying that. Some how after confessing are love to each other and a couple heated make out sessions we kind of in the process our clothes came off. Which honestly I don't mind because Aaron has a fucking smokin' hot body that there is so many things I would but now I can do to that body. 

And before we were rudely interrupting Aaron was doing wonders to my body making me moan his name which I might add he was enjoying. Then before I knew it Ace, Nick, Si, and Easton came barreling in ruining our special moment. And plus lets talk about embarrassing having your older brothers walk in on you in a particular or compromising position.  Lets just say that my brothers will probably never get this image out of their heads for awhile.

And then the next thing I know Ace and Nick are lunging themselves at Aaron and I couldn't help but say the most stupidest thing I could ever say in a situation like this. I said “this isn't what it looks like” how stupid can I be. I guess maybe I was thinking that they would just ignore what they saw and leave but nooooo Easton had to make a comment about if they came in later they would catch us having sex....which I highly doubt it that Aaron and I would take it that far. But now the cats out of it's bag and apparently my father wants to have a family meeting. Just shoot me now!

~Nick's POV~

I could just kill Aaron now! Who does he think he is trying to get all intimate with my baby sister? God I knew this day would come where Rai and Aaron are finally together but I never thought it would be this soon. God where has the time gone that the world has come to that A-Run and Razor are finally a couple...but maybe this is a good thing that the world has came to this, came to Aaron and Rai finally being together. I would take Aaron any day over Rai's other pathetic boy toys she had. But just seeing them together making out just really struck a cord. That my little sis isn't so little any more and that she wont need her brothers to protect her now because she has Aaron to protect her. But at least Aaron treats her right and what brother would I be if I try to ruin something like that. They have something special that I only wish I could find love like Rai and Aaron's.

I mean I will only kill the boy if he gets Rai pregnant. And if he does get Rai pregnant Aaron will have another thing coming because Rai has 6 older brothers that could kick his ass, a younger brother that could kick his ass, Riley, Tristan, and Carter will be happy to kick his ass, and a father who is an ex navy seal that will kick his ass and probably cut off his dick while he is at it. But lets just pray that it wouldn't have to come down to that because Aaron is a good kid and I trust that he will treat my sister right.

But this should be interesting family meeting. I mean basically everyone is here in the living room. Mom, Dad, James, Willow, and their kids, Major, Hope, Ace, Me, Si, Aaron and Rai (of course), Easton, Mila, Ariella, Hudson, and even Ti Ti and Seal who probably have no clue whats going on. I wonder if dad will just cut to the chase an address the facts about the “party in Aaron's bedroom” or will he just go in order of the activities that led up to the “party in Aaron's bedroom”. I mean there is a shit tone of things to discuss about since today was one hell of a day for wedding planing especially that it was a family thing. But who knows? Aaron looks like he is about to shit a brick and Rai looks pissed as hell, Ace looks like he is fighting the urge to straggle Aaron by pacing back and fourth, Mom looks happy about Rai and Aaron finally being together, Willow looks irritated, while Dad and James are glaring at Aaron. This should be so much fun if you ask me.

~Ace's POV~


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