Chapter 6- When Shit Hits the Fan Part One

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~Easton's POV~

Great supposed to be great night with the boyz just turned into a disaster. My stupid little brother and sister decided it would be fun to flood the bathroom and burn the pantry. But surprisingly Aaron is being calm. He is not freaking out, he is actually trying to prevent further damages. So my friends and I flipped the shit out when we saw the flames coming out of the pantry, so being the smart guys we are, we decided to be men and put the fire out and I might say we almost had it under control when Aaron came running downstairs from the bathroom. But to make this awful night short, Aaron just jolted out back and I might say that I would have done the same, getting the fuck away from Rai but then Rai jolted after him and I guess she aint playing. So I look to my friends and we all nod in agreement that this is our chance to bounce to the party because Rai is too busy chasing Aaron and the other little ones are with Mila asking her a million questions. All I have to say this time is a perfect time for our escape to get us some and have one hell of a night. 

~Rai Rai's POV~ 

HOLLY SHIT, Aaron just ran straight into the swing set and now he is laying flat on his ass and I think he just blackout,,, great...but a part of me had to laugh because this is what he gets for making an escape knowing that he is in a need to explain what happen. But I guess this moment right here is when shit hits the fan and nothing can stop it. Everything just blew up in my face. 

After awhile I tried to shake Aaron to get him up but nothing happened. So I decided to start kicking him (maybe to release all my built up tension from tonight) but again nothing. Then after trying everything I could possible think of but there was one I could try but ewww just the thought of kissing A-Run just grossed me out but another part of me just wanted him to wake up because I am getting worried because I don't think I could handle taking him to the ER because he had a concussion.

So I closed my eyes and kneeled down next to him and forced my lips onto him. The thoughts going through my mind were 'damn his lips are soft' or 'Rai what the fuck are you doing?' but for some reason I just kept on kissing him, getting deeper and deeper into it and then all of a sudden I felt his lips react to my lips and without a second thought he followed with my pace and are kiss became even deeper that I cupped the side of his face and he snaked his arm around my waist polling me closer to him and what seemed like an eternity we finally stopped our heavy make out session and when we both pulled away with both had the biggest smiles on are faces. And it kills me to say this but DAMN that boy knows how to kiss..and WOW I would say that I actually was not grossed out or felt any repulses to throw up. It felt nice and tender, it was like all this built up tension between us just exploded in our mouths. And that damn boy left me in a fucking gaze because I really did enjoy it.

It was silent between us for about a minute and in that minute we just stared at each other, smiling, and just reflecting on what just happened. 

Then after that amazing minute Aaron pop up and pushed my hair out of my face and stared into my eyes and said "Wow, I think I should black out more often because I would give anything to have this happen" he ended with a smirk that made me laugh because his damn smirks just piss me off. His hand was still on my cheek and still looking into my eyes, it felt like that this moment was the only thing on our mind. 

But this sweet and a little weird moment that just happen ended bitter sweet with Aaron passing out on my chest....fuck...I think I have to take his ass to the ER because I think that this isn't normal.

So I got up quick and ran back into the house to see if Easton and his friends could help me carry Aaron to the car but there was no sight of them....Them little fuckers snuck out....I swear I am going to kill that boy. Then I suddenly realized that I left Aaron passed out on the grass alone. I hurried back outside to where Aaron laid passed out and I tried to move him to see if he would wake but nothing. Then I started to do the only thing that worked the last time and tired to shove my tongue down his throat basically to get that boy up but nothing. So I grabbed Aaron's hands and begain to drag him through the grass around the house to the front and see is one of my little brothers and sisters could help me get him in the car. I felt bad for dragging him but I had no choice. All I have to say is that he is a lot heavier than he looks and dragging him around the house to the front took a lot of energy I intended to use. 

I hollered into the house for help and all five of them came rushing and thank god willing to help me get him into the car. After helping me getting Aaron into the backseat. I proceeded to pile all five of the little ones in the car because i just cannot leave them alone after what just happened tonight. So we all were settle and now we are off on another adventure to the ER..woooohhhoooo...Can tonight get any better or should I say worse. 

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