Chapter 25- If you Love Something.....

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In the External Link is a slide show of all the characters. But here is a pic of Riley on the side.

Chapter 25- If you Love something......

~Rai's POV~

When you love somebody, it is best to let them go, right? I just can't help but wonder what if I told Aaron, how much I didn't want to let him go and I wanted him here with me. But those are the words that I never said. It has been 4 months since our one month anniversary and a lot has happened since then.

 That night on the dock, I told Aaron that he would be stupid to let this opportunity pass and that he better take it. Aaron argued back saying that it doesn't matter but I knew deep down how much Aaron wanted this. I didn't want to hold him back, so I let him go.

The remaining of the school year, Aaron and I still went on as a normal couple knowing that after he graduates we will never be the same. But we didn't let that get to us, we cherished the time we had together and loved ever second we could be together. We went to Prom together and Tristan was crowned Prom King because like Aaron he is a senior too. But Tristan is staying close by not just only for Nova but to continue playing basketball. Aaron lead the baseball team to state where they won for the first time ever in school history. You could say that A-Run became a super start because of his amazing pitching skills. Graduation was bitter sweet because this was just another reminder that Aaron will be leaving soon but in all I was proud of him for graduating from high school.

And then impending doom, the day that we couldn't avoid was fast approaching. Summer was amazing, Aaron and I spent every day with one another, never leaving each others side because starting fall, we would go our separate ways. James and Willow had their baby, a beautiful baby girl named Ana, who got her name from her favorite Auntie. Baby Ana is a wonderful addition to our family and she brought us all closer together. It just made me wish that someday that would be Aaron and I, starting a family of our own.

The one thing that stopped me from constantly thinking about Aaron leaving, Major and Hope's wedding kept me distracted. I am very happy with being a bridesmaid but if you asked me 6 months ago I would say over my dead body I would be happy to be a bridesmaid. But I could tell that Hope and everyone else was all for keeping me distracted and it worked to some degree. Major and Hope's wedding was everything you could wish for in your wedding day. For the first time both families came together for the sake of Major and Hope. I will admit that during the ceremony, there was a couple stray tears running down my face because of the love between the both of them was heart melting. It made me realize that Major might after all have a heart and that he might no be such a pain in the ass that I have thought. The both of them are a beautiful couple and I wish them nothing but the best. 

 But I can't wallow in self pity because I was the one who told Aaron to go because I don't want to hold back on his dreams. I don't want Aaron one day to resent me that I held him back in this opportunity because I was selfish enough to hold him back. I mean next year I will apply to Florida State for the chance of Aaron and I going to college together but that is only a dream.

I have been contemplating this for awhile, I know my future is with Aaron but say what if I let him go for the time being, will he come back? He did come back again for me but will I have the chance that he will come back again for me. If he says he loves me like he does he would, will he be willing to wait for me or not? I just don't know what to do, I love him so much that I am willing to let him go and live his dreams but will it be enough for us to come back. 


~Aaron's POV~

I have never met such a selfless person before, that is willing to let someone they love and just got back go. This just proves that Rai is amazing and that one day I will deserve the love she has for me. These past four months have been like we are walking on egg shells around each other. We don't mention me leaving because that will only turn things sour. The time that we have been spending together have been great and every day, I fall more and more in love with her. I thought the hardest thing that ever happened to me was watching my mother die from cancer right before my eyes. Now when I think about it, leaving Rai for a second time when I just got her back might be the hardest thing that I will ever have to do.

I can tell leaving for school in the fall is going to be hard but knowing that I am living out my dream makes it even more bitter sweet. The only thing that is messing is having my girl by my side. But knowing that she is home waiting for me makes it all worth while. But am I being selfish making Rai wait at home for me when I return while I am living my dreams. I just hope Rai knows that I will support her and her dreams like she is supporting mine,it is the least I can do.

I don't want to break her heart when I am gone and she is stuck living life without me again. But do I want her to move on from me like I am moving on from her. There will never be another girl for me like Rai for me. She is the one for me, my wife, the mother of my children, and the love of my life.

I remember when my mother was alive she used to say 'if you love something let it go but if it comes back that is how you know.' Right now, in times like this, I really wish my mother was alive. She always knew what to say,when I needed her advice on things. She had this aura around her that everything is going to be fine. My mother always saw the good things even if it was a bad situations. Her positive attitude kept me going when I just wanted to give up. I wonder what she would say about this situation. The good thing is that I am fulfilling my dreams, the bad thing is that I will be leaving Rai, again. But that saying 'if you love something let it go but if it comes back that is how you know' keeps on playing throughout my mind. Is this a sign that my mother is trying to say that I should let Rai go but I know damn well that I will come back for her because it is simply, I love her and I will always love her.

I have to let her go for now but I just pray that Rai wont hate me for this. 

Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait but this story is going to be finished up very soon. Thank you for waiting it out. 

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