Chapter 17- The Black Sheep

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Author note- 

I know at the beginning there are 13 and so far I have introduced 12 including Rai. But there is a reason why. There is a brother in between Ace and Si. Nick, the mysterous child of the Harrison clan isn't mentioned because there is a reason that in this chapter you will discover and he will be introduced. 

Friday Night 

Rai is home from the hospital 

~Nick's POV~ 

So it is a typical Friday night, just got home from work, opened a beer, and now brining on the weekend. I am a 21 year, good looking man, and I feel like having some fun tonight. So I texted some of my buddies to come over to my apartment and hang out. Maybe invite some ladies to make this night more interesting. (wink wink) if you know what I mean. 

As I am waiting for my buddies to show up, I turned the T.V on to pass time. As I flicked through the channels, I saw that the 6 o'clock news on and there was a head line that said Basketball super star beats girlfriend. 

I have no idea why that stood out to me but I waited to see what was this head line was about. Then I saw this smug looking guy and he looked fairly familiar like I have seen him before. And then the next picture they showed wasa picture of this teenage girl. And when I paused the T.V to get a better look at the T.V I almost shit a brick because that wasn't no ordinary teenage girl, that teenage girl was my little sister. 

As I looked at that happy smiling face of the picture they showed on the News. I still had the T.V pause because I couldn't believe it. That this douche bag put my sister in the hospital. I know I haven't talked to Rai in months and I haven't talkd to my parents in 5 years, after they kicked me out. But the odd thing is that out of all of my siblings Rai was the only one beside Si and Ace that actually kept in contact with me. I mean my parents mean my dad basically disowned me because I got caught up in some illegal shit and drugs. But now I am clean but I am still kind of caught up in the illegal shit because hey it makes me good money. 

All these emotions and memories came back. I have to know if she is okay. But should I risk it and show my face after 5 years just because I saw on the news that my sister was hospitalized because her boy friend beat her and no one had the nerve to call and tell. I mean why the fuck didn't Si or Ace tell me? I am still a part of the family, aren't I? I know I fucked up but still I am still a Harrison. 

There was a knock at the door that pulled me from my thoughts. I got up and opened the door and say my buddies ready to have one hell of a night. Before seeing what happened on the news I was all for getting fucked up tonight but right now it just doesn't feel right. 

One of my good friend Craig noticed that I had the T.V paused and recognized that it was my sister because Craig has been my friend for awhile and he was there for me when I got kicked out. "Nick, Is that Rai? And why is she on the news? Did something happen?

All the rest of my boys really didn't know anything about my life so they were shocked that I had a sister. One of the guys made a comment "Damn she is hot. I would bang her." With that comment being said I felt my blood start to boil, that this dick head would say that about my sister. "Hey fucker, you are talking about my baby sister and she 17, so back the fuck off." 

They guys were thrown off and they mumbled "sorry bro, didn't know she is off limits."

Craig could tell that I was pissed and angry. So Craig pulled me into the kitchen away from the rest of the guys to talk. "Hey Nick, tell me what’s going on?"

I let out a sigh "Man, I don't know, I was just flipping through the channels waiting on you guys to come and then I saw this head line that caught my eye and I decided to see what it was about. And apparently this bastard that was my sister's boy friend beat her up and put her in the hospital and now the fucker is in jail. Craig that is all I know is what I heard on the news. I mean no one has called me from my family, which really pisses me off because don't I have a right to know if my sister is in the hospital?" 

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