Chapter 12- Facing the Music

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~Tristan's POV~ 

All damn week Nova has been bugging me about what happened with Rai and Jamar on Monday. I told her that it is not my business to tell but no Nova kept on going on and on about how Rai is her best friend and everything. But really it is not my business. I have known Jamar since we were like 5 when we started playing basketball together. Yeah we are close friends and everything but I just can't get over what Rai did to him. I am friends with Rai but I've known Jamar longer. Plus I don't wanna ruin the group's friendship because I took Jamar's side over Rai's but Nova doesn't have to know that I have taken Jamar's side because only if she knew how bad Rai hurt that boy, she would understand where I am coming from. I know eventually Nova will find out but it won’t be me telling her, it should and would be Rai who tells her the truth. 

Enough of Rai's and Jamar's drama, I need to focus on the game tonight. This game is the deal breaker on which team is going to be undefeated; Both teams haven't lost a game. And I am not planning on losing this game because of Jamar isn't focused. He better not blow it because all us have worked so hard to get this far and fail because Rai tore his heart out and stomped on it and then started to dance around it. So I just have to get Jamar focused on the task ahead of us. Plus I need Easton to stop being such a cocky son of a bitch and get him to realize that pretty soon this team is going to be his and he needs to step up. All I need is Nova to be there cheering me on and that is all I need to get focused is just seeing her face. And I know I sound like I am whipped but who cares I love Nova and everyone knows it. 

If I know Jamar well enough that he is like me, he needs his girl to be there for him and since his girl broke his heart, he has no motivation. I know that he still loves her and seeing her face cheering might get him motivated to do his best. So I am going to make sure Nova brings Rai to the game tonight so Rai will be there. But before I do that I need to talk to Rai because I just need to get something off my chest that has been bothering me. 

To: Rai Rai :)   Hey Rai, it's Tristan, meet me after Lunch I need to talk to you real quick....


Good she is going to meet me after lunch. 

I waited for her outside the lunch room. When I saw her walk over to me, I sarted to worry what I am going to say might offend her but it needs to be said. 

"Hey Rai Rai, thanks for meeting me."

"No prob Trist, so what is it you wanna talk about?" she said a little confused. 

I was hesitant but I had to say it, I have been holding it in too long and after I saw Jamar after 1st period I knew I had to talk to Rai because Jamar clearly didn't look as focused as he needs to be. 

"Umm Rai, I know it is none of my business to get involved in your situation with Jamar but The Big Game is tonight and I need him focused and motivated. i don't need him to be unfocused and unmotivated because he can't stop thinking about you. Trust me, he can't, you are all he thinks about and that is clouding his head when it needs to be cleared. I know you are thinking that I am such an ass hole for saying this but what you did was uncalled for, you could have waited until after basketball season cuz we all know that I know the real reason. I am saying when you broke up with him it wasn't urgent or anything and it could've waited. And I know I am sounding like a douche and I hate myself for having this conversation but someone has to get through to Jamar somehow and the only person he really listens to is you and so all I am asking is to clean up the mess you made with Jamar. I am not saying take him back, I am just saying be friends with him because you have no idea how much you mean to him and really all he wants is your friendship and nothing else. So Rai, which is all I am asking and begging please just talk to him, the team needs him." I finished with my final plead. 

All I Ever WantedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora