Chapter 4- "Someone Call 911 Shawty Fire Burnin on the Dance Floor" Part One

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~Easton's POV~

So my parents left for the night and they left the bitch in charge! She is going to ruin my night of fun with my boyz cuz she is such a loser. But maybe I can convince her to be cool and just leave me and my friends alone and she can just take care of the little ones. Doesn’t that sound like a fair deal? Cuz there is this killer party tonight at one of my team mates house and I got invited but I am hoping Rai won't catch my friends and I sneaking out to just get a little action if you know what I mean...;) 

~Ariella's POV'

Oh my god!!! Tonight is going to be so much fun because my parents are gone for the night and Rai is in charge! I mean I am Rai's favorite so I basically can do anything and she won't care because I'm Ella..duuhhh (oh my I just sounded like Mila) but besides that I get to watch teen shows with Rai because my parents will not let me watch them yet because "they are too mature" yeah right, I am more mature than most the kids in my class and they won’t let me watch 16 & Pregnant? It is a showing telling me not to have unprotected sex and hey i'm learning. But they only weird thing about tonight is that this boy, I think is around Rai's age is staying with us and it seems like him and Rai know each other cuz they might have grown up together or something like that. I have not gotten the whole story yet but I think his name is Aaron and he is dad's god son or something and that my dad and his dad were in the Navy SEALS together but who cares about that stuff. All I am saying is that boy is cute and if Rai doesn't clam him either Me or Mila will get to him hahaha but I am hoping Rai and Aaron will be a thing because I think they will look cute together and plus I heard he already took off his shirt for her! (Fingers crossed) Rai needs a man!

~Hudson's POV~

Tonight is going to be one entertaining night cuz my parents are gone and Rai is stuck with us. But I am not saying Rai is not a good babysitter its just that us Harrison kids are one big bunch of crazy and loud kids who love to get into trouble. I am just going to sit back and relax, maybe prop my feet up with a bowl of popcorn, and watch the unfold to a disaster cuz the younger 2 are little hellions...or little terrorist because they will destroy everything or my favorite Rai calls them the Devil children cuz the only place they would have came from is hell. but mom and dad do not like her calling them little devils because it makes people in the grocery store judge my parents. Tonight is going to be great. 

~Ti Ti's and Seal's POV~


~Aaron's POV~ 

So it is my first night staying at the Harrison's house and the parents leave and I am here stuck babysitting with the one and only Razor. This should be so much fun being with 4 little shits and 1 little teenage shit and his little teen shits of friends. Totally the thing I want to do with my Saturday.

Great but I am hoping Rai won't be such a bitch since her parents are not here but who knows Rai has completely changed from the tom boy girl who I used to play Pokémon and used to watch the our favorite movies The Land Before Times. But that is all in the past, Rai is a woman now with a smoken hot body that makes me want to do things to it that I am just ashamed of thinking about cuz it is Rai....Razor the girl that used to hate it when her older brothers used to pick on her and I always stood up for her cuz back then I thought I was sooo brave. But in the end her brothers would then start picking on me saying that Rai was my girlfriend. And when you are 8 I was disgusted by that thought of Rai being my girlfriend but now looking back to then and looking at her now I would never be disgusted of the thought of being Rai's boyfriend because she is beautiful, smart, and doesn't give a fuck about what other people think....

But what they hell am I talking about...Rai and I together...never..ewww...she will never ever think of me like that..which sucks cuz what I just admitted to myself I do think of her like that. But maybe it is my teenage hormones acting up at the site of boobs or a smoken hot girl...yes...yes that is it..just hormones...Rai..I mean Razor is just childhood friend...and that will it always be...Razor will never be more than just my childhood friend..but will I be able to just keep it at that? 

~Rai's POV~ 

Aaron is just sitting his ass on the couch doing nothing but sitting there and smirking at himself. I might suggest that he should get that smirking under control by seeing a doctor or something cuz it is annoying as fuck. But besides A-Run pissing me off by just sitting there, nothing too bad has not happened..Yet (knock on wood) but the afternoon went by fine. A little bump with the younger 2 but that is really it. It is weird because the last time the last time Ti Ti called the 911 on accident because she was seeing it worked cuz she just learned it in school. But lets keep are finger crossed that this time the police won't be called cuz my parents will have my head on a stake. 

Everything was being normal. The kids were playing, on the computer, or watching t.v. This should be a smooth night. But as I was about to sit down my cell phone started to ring..


"OOMMGGG!! Rai, thank god you picked up the phone cuz I need you to pick me up at the mall..."

Oh great Mila is calling me but she sounds different like something is up.

"ohh Mila, why the hell do you need me to pick you up cuz I thought you were staying at a friend’s house and what’s up?"

"GOD DAMMIT RAI JUST PICK ME UP AT THE MALL SERCUITY AND I WILL EXPLAN LATER..GOSH AND JUST PICK ME UP NOWWWW!!" and with that Mila hung up and I thought to myself that I am gonna reign that little bitch's neck cuz she got in trouble again at the mall with her friends.

So I grabbed my coat and keys and was about to make my way to the door when Aaron stopped me. "Rai! what the fuck..You can't bail on me and leave me with them..."

I cut him off "I am not bailing on you..A-RUN..I just got a call from Mila who got in trouble at the mall again and she needs me to pick her up and relieve her into my custody cuz my parents are gone..So how about you shut the fuck up and watch the kids while I pick up the skank from the mall..Ok??" I snapped back at him.

Aaron looked like he was about to say something shitty back but he held it in and just said "fine..go take care of Mila and I will make sure the little devils won’t burn the house while you are gone and I will call you if something bad happens" he finished with a damn smirk and with that I proceeded out the door into my car to pick up my sister who is with mall security...

ohhh she is going to get it just wait....... 

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