Chapter 26-.....Let It Go

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Pic of Carter on the side and in the external link is a slideshow with the rest of the characters. 

Chapter 26- .... let it go

~Aaron's POV~

All night I have been tossing and turning about my decision. Wondering if this is the right thing or not but deep down inside I know this is right. God I hope she doesn't hate me for this.


This afternoon, I guess I was not the only one that was acting weird. Rai was acting strange and like she is hiding something. But right now we are in her tree house because she asked me to meet her here. I can tell that Rai has something on her mind because she only rings her hands around when something is bothering her. I study her actions knowing that what ever this is, is tearing her apart and honestly I can't stand seeing her like this. Before we both go crazy, I guess I have to break the silence.

“Rai, I know something is bothering you babe, you brought me here to your tree house for a reason. Just tell me because honestly it is killing me seeing you like this.” I tried saying calmly but while I am dying to know inside.

Rai snapped out of whatever her thoughts were and looked up at me with those amazing brown eyes that have captured my heart and soul. Looking into those eyes that have me captive, I can see worry and stress. I can only imagine who cause those emotions. God, I am such an amazing boyfriend causing the one you love so much hurt.

“I guess I can never hide my emotions for you.” Rai let out a dry laugh while running her hands through her hair. Great now she is nervous.

“We all know Razor that you can't hide anything from me, so why don't you just tell me and we can discuss this.”

Rai took a deep breath that was shaky and now it has me even more worried. “To start things off, I want you to know that I love you and that the reason why I am doing this is because I love you. Aaron we just finally came together again and it pains me to see you go again but I want you to start living for you. I will support you in everything you do because that is what you do when you love someone, right? And I know we are young but Aaron I know you are the one for me and that is why I am letting you go.” After she said those words that have been going through my mind all night, she broke out into a sob. I leaned forward and wrapped her in my arms with a promise that one day we will be together.

I lifted up her chin, so she is looking at me in the eyes, she has tears streaming down her face but I have never seen such beauty before. I pull her closer and kiss away all of her tears and told her over and over that I love her and we will be together one day. After the tears stopped flowing, I spoke up “I guess Razor we are more alike than we thought because I came in here today to tell you the same thing. The words of my mother 'if you love something let it go, but if it comes back you know.' And I know that we will come back for each other. I promise to wait for you, if you are willing to wait for me.”

Before I could look up, Rai's luscious lips captured mine, leaving them prisoner to her command. I smirked my lips and pulled away “ I guess you are willing to wait for me then?” I said with a sly tone. Rai hit me upside my head and said “Of course I will always wait for my A-Run” before she captured my lips again.

Lets just say that night was the first time Rai and I made love to one another all night. I know what you are all thinking that I haven't hit that yet but in all honesty I would go to the ends of the earth for this girl. We made love to one another as a promise that we will come back to one another some day and I am counting those days till I have her in my arms forever and I swear that I will never let her go again. 

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