Chapter 24- Forever and Always

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(Author's notethe last chapter was really a filler and I put in there to add dynamic to Vi and I always wanted Vi to have a love interest......No need to fret this chapter will contain Rai and Aaron's relationship)

~Rai's POV~

It has been amazing past month. You wanna know why? Because that is how long Aaron and I have been dating. And today is our one month celebration and Aaron is taking me out for the day. I have no idea what he has planned but knowing Aaron it will be something special. I am hoping today will be a good day.

I don't know if I should be nervous or not because there is something that is on my chest and Aaron and I need to talk about it. The elephant in the room is what are we going to do after Aaron graduates. He has not talked about college and every time I bring it up he avoids my question. It is really pissing me off that Aaron is avoiding this topic. I mean we have about 2 months till school is out and a month before prom. Aaron has been busy with baseball and he is kicking ass. This season is are school's best season in a very long time because Aaron is amazing pitcher. So he is like a super star at our school and some go as far to call him a savior. But I know for a fact that Aaron does have scouts looking at him but he does not tell me anything. I don't want to seem like a clingy over obsessed girlfriend but I am just concerned for Aaron and us.

~Aaron's POV~

Today is Rai's and I's one month and I couldn't be any happier. I love Rai so much that sometimes it scares how much I love her. Today I want it to be perfect for Rai because tonight I am going to tell her that I am going to play baseball at Florida State. And I do not know how she is going to take it. This has been my dream to play baseball there. And the coach has been scouting me for awhile and last night I got a call from the coach and the offered me a full ride and a spot on the team as second string pitcher as a freshmen. I thought about it long and hard to know that it would be stupid to let this amazing opportunity to go to waste but leaving Rai will be the hardest thing in the world and that is why I need to talk to her. I mean I would go to the ends of the earth for this girl. One day Rai is going to be my wife and the mother of my children but I just hope this does not ruin what we have together.

But enough of that stuff, today I have a fun filled day of just Rai and I. First I am taking Rai to the park to have a picnic where I plan of giving her the necklace I bought. It is an anchor necklace with diamonds and it is silver. (AN: necklace on the side) I hope she loves it. It has many meanings like us growing up as Navy Seal kids and that our love will always anchor us in life and to one another.

After the picnic to the park I plan us to go up to the lake and watch the sunset on the dock. And that is when I plan on telling her about the scholarship to Florida State to play baseball. And if that goes well I plan on taking us on a night boat ride and maybe a late night swim. I just really hope that Rai and I can make it pass this bump in the road.


~Rai's POV~

I finally decided to wear something cute but comfortable (AN: outfit on the side) As the minutes pass the more and more anxious I get for this date. I check the clock on the wall and it reads 5 o'clock and Aaron should be here at any time.

Like clock work the doorbell rang and I just knew it was Aaron. Like I predicted when I opened the door was Aaron looking so sexy in his light blue and white striped button down shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. And in his hands were a bouquet of pink daises, my favorite. I couldn't contain myself any longer and I jumped in Aaron's arms.

Aaron let out a chuckle “I am guessing that this is a good start to date.”

I nodded my head and smashed my lips onto Aaron's savoring this moment. Before I could deepen the kiss Aaron pulled back “As much I am enjoying this but we should get going.” Pouting slightly I got off of Aaron “I might as well before we leave put these flowers in water.” Aaron nodded and handed me the daises and I left and put them in a vase and water.

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