Part Two- When Shit Hits the Fan

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~Jay Harrison’s (Mr. Harrison's) POV~ 

It is 3:30 in the god damn morning and I am suddenly woken up by a phone call saying that my son Easton is in police custody because he was caught underage drinking at a party. I have never been so pissed in my life that this dumbass would drink alcohol knowing that it could affect his basketball skills and second why the hell was he at the party when he was meant to be a home. My only thought is that Easton and his friends took advantage of Rai's trust and snuck out. Yep I know for sure he did that because Rai would never let him go to the party in the first place. I just wanted to say to the police was to just keep him over night to teach him a lesson that he will never forget. Like the show Scared Straight or something like that. But I was hit by my wife who said 'no her baby is not spending the night in jail and that we will come and get him.' I did not want to fight with her so I got dressed and packed my things. It was a 2 hour drive back and I need those 2 hours because in the back of my head I want to beat that boy senseless because of his stupidity but Hally would never allow it, And she always says that you can't raise or kids like a navy seal. And all I have to say is why not? 

2 hours later

Hally and I finally arrive to the police station and I am still pissed as hell and that boy should be scared because I swear he is going to get. But thank god, when I saw the police captain, which is an old friend calm me down a little but the one thing that made me pissed again is when he mentioned that this isn’t the first time tonight he had to deal with the Harrisons. And when I asked him what he meant, he said first 911 was called because of a fire or something and like the bathroom flooded. And when he said those words, I turned red because why just now I am learning about this now?

\I turned to Hally who is standing next to Easton looking at me concerned. But I couldn't control my anger so I just stormed out of the police station to the car. Hally shortly came following behind me with Easton and when they got in the car I was silent because my thoughts were racing and nothing seemed to be able to come out. 

I thought to myself just breathe, calm down, maybe there is a reason (there better be a hell of a good reason). I can't just blow up on her, I am just going to pretend I don't know and just wait for her to tell me... 

Author's note

I am sorry I know I said there wasn't going to be any short chapters or parts but I wanted to add an outside point of view. And what do you think, will Rai confess to her dad or lie and prove him right??? Comment and Enjoy and maybe even a vote.......

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