Chapter 13- Big Brothers will Always be there to Protect You with Open Arms

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~James's POV~

I swear if Willow wasn't here I would have gone up to that roof and beat the guy’s ass who is trying to get with my baby sister. I know what he was trying to do on the roof. I am not stupid, once I was a teenage boy and taking a girl to the roof or where ever private and secluded place, meant one thing. I am not stupid that he just wanted to talk. I pray to god that she wasn't up there with that no good for nothing Jamar. I always had a bad vibe from him. Maybe because back in high school, I was Jamar. The popular jock that was good at sports. But I would never let a guy like me and Jamar go anywhere near my little sister. I was never for their relationship, I kept on telling Rai that he was no good but do you ever think she listened to me…nope. She kept on seeing him falling more and more for him. When Rai broke up with him I was the happiest man on earth because my baby sister wasn't seeing that douche bag. 

But if she was on the roof with him, does that mean they are back together? God I hope not, I am hoping Rai used some of the self defense moves I taught her to protect herself. Yeah that’s right show that jerk who he is really fucking with. 

If I find out that she was with him on the roof and that is why she forgot to pick my kids and her brother and sister, then Rai is going to get it. She is already in trouble from last weekend, god why is Rai deciding now to be a trouble maker? What happened to my little sister who used to sit on my lap and we would laugh for hours over stupid stuff? I guess Raiana is growing up and god I can't believe it. I mean I can't believe that my oldest son JJ is 14 and going to high school next year. Wow time has flown by pass. 

As I was gazing down memory lane wonder how the hell time went by, my beautiful wife Willow who is around 5 months pregnant breaks me out of the my gaze. "James, now go easy on her, maybe it was an honest mistake." she said with a concern look, walking to the other side of the car where I am standing. "Please, don't upset Rai." she pleaded 

I turned my head towards her "Low, I promise I will try but there is no guarantee but I will try." I walked over to her and gave her a small peck on her lips. "As long as you try." she said with a smile.  "And here is your time to try." Willow moved her head to the direction where Rai was coming from. 

For an instant my blood started to boil but I looked at Low again and calmed myself down. I am just going to have a friendly talk with my baby sister and that’s it. As Rai was approaching closer, I could tell she looked upset and looked like she has been crying. And with that my blood pressure was increasing because who ever made her cry, I swear I will make sure they wish they never ever met my sister. 

I glanced up at Rai who was keeping her distance from me, with her eyes staring at the black concrete. I knew Rai was thinking that she was going to get it but she was before I saw the look on her face but now I can't get mad at my baby sister who seems upset. I took a deep breath "Rai, I am not mad at you; I was just worried that something bad happened to you." I said with sympathy. 

Rai was still silent and still staring at the black concrete. "Rai is everything okay." Right now I am concerned because Rai hasn't said any smart ass comment yet. She finally looked up at my gaze that was on her "why would you care." she said with disgust. 

"Why would I care? Rai, I am your big brother and I am here for you, I care because I am worried about you because it is killing me seeing you look so upset." I said harshly trying not to get mad at her. So I stepped forward closer to her, showing her that I am here to listen. Rai was a little startled from my nice gesture but she went with it. Before I could say another word, Rai wrapped her tiny arms around my waist and gave me a hug. 

"Jamie, I am sorry that I forgot to pick up the kids, I was trying to fix an issue that has been bugging me for awhile and I don't know if I did the right thing or not.." Rai had a tear running down her cheek looking up at me. The look she gave me was of confusing, that looked made me melt because I hate seeing my baby sister upset. I pulled her into my chest and she softly cried. I was rubbing her back to calm her down "Rai, it is okay, your big bro is here" I repeated as she continued to sob. This moment is a moment I will never forget because moments like this are special bonding between siblings. Since Rai and I are so far apart in age we don't have moments like these very often. 

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