Chapter 9- Not Now

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~Rai's POV~

So when I walked into the kitchen everyone was staring at me and I automatically looked down to make sure I was dressed and THANK GOD I was because I didn't want to give A-Run another show. 

I am guessing with the looks on their faces Huddy cracked…God that boy always cracks under pressure. I mean he is witty and a smart ass but when he has something on his chest he has to let it out by screaming it out. But I am confused why Aaron, Ace, and Si are protecting Hud when they should be protecting me now from my dad's wrath that he is about to lay upon me. SHIT

After a long awkward silence my dad finally broke it by saying "Rai it is nice to see you up but I would like to talk to you alone." Oh great I cannot believe this…why can't he talk to me in front of people so they can be witnesses for my murder trial. But I have no other choice so I let out a long sigh and followed my dad. And when I walked by everyone they were staring at me. I felt like I was taking the walk of shame from a one night stand. 

I knew where my dad was taking me. He was taking me to talk in the tree house. But this tree house isn't any tree house. It was my tree house my dad and brothers built me so I would have some where that was mine and that I could get away from my brothers. This tree house is where I go to when I am sad or hurt. I swear I have cried in this tree house so much that it is ridiculous. I followed my dad up the latter. He held his hand out for me to help me up. He opened the door to the tree house. I entered and he shut the door. I knew this was going to be serious. 

My dad and I talked for like 2 hours. He was disappointed that Aaron and I tried to control the situation but he understood where we were coming from. Besides talking about my punishment from the events that happened last night, we talked about school, Aaron, and basically everything else, it was nice, I really needed this talk. I haven't talked to my dad it seems like in ages but I am glade because we used to talk like this all the time. I was his first daughter and I might say that I have my dad wrapped around my finger because I am his baby girl. 

I know you are all dying to know about my punishment it and I might say he actually went easy on me. But the only downside is that since Aaron is staying with us for awhile, he is going to finish up his last semester of high school here. My dad said that I had to help Aaron adjust to his new school and help him out with basically anything.

My other punishment was that I was on car pool duty for the devil children. Which I should say it is not fun. You want to know why? Cuz those damn crazy house wives give me dirty looks when I pick up Seal from pre-school because them bitches think that he is mine because once Seal thought I was my mom and he ran up behind me calling me Mommy. But car pool sucks because the traffic coming in and out of the pre-school is hell cuz those moms cut you off because they think that their kid is more important. But the pre-school car pool is hell; you should see the kindergarten car pool is even worse. It is worse than hell and after I drop off Seal at pre-school I have to hurry up and drop Tianna at her school and then go across town to get to school without being late. Which when I am punished with kitty car pool I am always like 20 minutes late because Seal throws a fit and I have to calm him down and that jazz but having Easton with me, the attendance lady doesn't mark us tardy because Easton is a basketball player and she doesn't want him to sit out on a game so me being associated with the "super star" I convinced the attendance lady to let me sly. But after school I have to do the same thing and pick them up but I don't just pick up Seal and Tianna, I have to pick up my nieces and nephews because their parents are at work. So that means along with that punishment I have to watch my nieces and nephews until their parents come.

Great but hey at least I am not grounded (which I am shocked) but I am not the one that got grounded, Easton is basically on lock down. He goes to school, then basketball practice, and then home, does his homework, eats dinner, finishes his homework, and goes to bed. He can't watch TV or use the computer unless for school but any non school related website is blocked because he has to use the communal computer in the living room. Easton's life is hell, along with Mila but after school she has to come straight home and then she gets dropped off at community service to get her "mall" record cleared. 

So I am glad that today is over. Instead of sleeping in my room, I decided to camp out in the tree house for old time sakes. Like I did when I was younger or when I just wanted to be alone. My dad left me after our wonderful talk. He left me alone and I felt like this huge wait has been lifted off my shoulders. It felt great. I let a sigh and streched out on my comfy couch in the tree house. You maybe are wondering what the fuck? There is a couch in her tree house and yes there is. I was the only girl and my dad wouldn't settle with subpar. This tree house had to be fit for a princess and I was his princess. This tree house is not too big but not too small. It is the perfect size. Someone could actually live comfortable in my tree house.

I remember I used to have sleepovers with the girls up here and if I remember right Aaron and I used to sleep up here and play up here all the time. I remember this tree house was Aaron's and I's special place. Where we could be ourselves. These tree house walls are sacred and what is said in the tree house stays in the tree house. You never insult the rules of the tree house. I remember the day Aaron told me that he was moving away, we were 11 years old. We sat in the tree house all day threatening our parents that we weren't getting down and that Aaron was gonna live in my tree house because he didn't want to move. I remember that day we cried and cried because Aaron didn't want to leave his life that was here and he said to me that he could never leave his Razor. And yes I am HIS Razor and I will always be like he will always be my A-Run. I mean Aaron is my childhood best friend. I love him like a best friend. The boy who used to chase me around at the navy base and I might say we go into sooooo much trouble from our dads but the navy base was our daycare. Weird in a way that our daycare was a navy base full of grown men with guns. But hey I think it adds personality and plus who else can say that there daycare was at a navy base. 

But that kiss is what is spinning around in my mind. What the fuck was I thinking? I mean, yes that was like the best damn kiss in my life but if Aaron and I continued whatever is happening between us, I am afraid that we will just ruin our friendship. I mean I already lost Aaron once when he moved away 6 years ago. But I don't want to lose him again because we did something stupid that ruined our friendship. And I cherish our friendship because he was around when I was growing up. Aaron was always there for me when my brothers picked on me.

We were like 2 peas in a pod, and dating Aaron will just make things worse…now but maybe if we are meant to be then maybe later on say like in 7 to 10 years. but not now, we are teenagers and being teenagers we are bound to fuck things up. So I am just going to be honest with him and say 'not now but maybe later and don't think that I didn't feel anything because trust me I did but I don't want to lose our friendship even though I would love to suck face with you again but not now.' 

Not now was the last thing that was on my mind and all the wonderful memories pouring in my mind that I had in this tree house just made a perfect ending to my god awful weekend. Tomorrow is Monday, I get to see my friends and hey it is a start to a fresh day. I have a feeling that things will get better and now I have Aaron here to be there for me like when we were kids. 

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