Chapter 5- "Your Ass Is Gonna Get Beat"

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~Aaron's POV~

i had no other choice than to call 911 because I was going to be in deep shit either way. I mean after the bathroom completely flooded and was leaking through the ceiling. The little shits decided it would be fun to play with fire, which lead to the pantry setting on fire because Seal thought you blew out a candle by throwing it in the trash. While I was dealing with the flooding bathroom the fire alarm went off and suddenly all that came out was FUCK!!!

So I ran downstairs as fasted as I could and the pantry was up in flames and Easton and his dumbass friends were fanning dish towels to put the fire out. So right then I knew I had no other choice to call 911 because I do not want Rai to worry because she has to deal with Mila. But the one thing in the back of my head was how the hell do these kids come up with this stuff??? Is it fun for them to destroy everything and almost flood and burn down the house because to me that is not fun and that just makes the point that they are little hellions and Tianna and Seal are going to be in great deal of trouble when Rai gets home. 


I hear the sirens coming towards the house and I managed to get everyone out of the house, which was a task within its self. When the fire truck showed up and ran inside to take out the fire, the look on Seal's face was priceless because I am thinking that was the coolest thing he probably has ever seen. Then after the fire was under control, I had to talk to the police who were asking me all these questions like 'are you aware that these kids could of been in serious danger' or 'what is your relation to these kids' or personally my favorite 'are you sure a 4 year old and 6 year old did this much damage by themselves in 20 minutes?' The last question I had no response because to me I was as shocked as him. 

15 minutes later

Now I am just waiting for the plummer to get here to help with the bathroom mess and help patch up the ceiling. Also I am getting anxious about when the hell is Rai at? Does it take this long to get her sister from the mall? But maybe it is a good thing that she is not here yet because I am sure this whole situation would be blown up out of proportion and it would take forever to deal with it. But with me, everyone is claim and we are getting shit done and making sure that Mr. and Mrs. Harrison will never find out or not be as so mad because everything looks fine.

Then all of a sudden I see a pair of car headlights turn onto the driveway about to make its way up and all that I was thinking was ohh shit Rai is here! 

I swear that bitch is going to kill me because she trusted me and everything that you could imagine went wrong. I feel bad but how the hell I supposed to know that those two little shits were capable of doing this much damage, (THANK GOD THEIR INSURIENCE COVERS THE DAMAGE). 

When Rai gets here I am just going to be calm and causally tell her what happened but then reassure her that everything is taken care of and no worries. And that I left the punishment for you because I have no authority over you and the two little shits and that they are a little afraid of you (actually a lot but I won't tell her that they were crying hysterically saying that Rai was going to kill them) and with that everything will blow over and we can enjoy our evening.....maybe?

But my heart suddenly stopped when I hear a shriek of "AAAAARRRROOOONNNNN, YOUR ASS IS GOING TO GET BEAT! WHAT THE FUCK I TRUSTED YOU AND AND AND AND AND AND" with that I    ran as fast as I could to the backyard to get away from her because she was scaring the shit out of me and plus running was my natural instinct when I knew I was in trouble. 

And when I looked back and she was trailing behind me screaming and using every swear word and profanities in the book. Shit that girl was fast but I think I am faster..and plus it is kind of turns me on to have a girl angrily chase after me....fuck I have issues if this turns me on....great I am a perve. 

But as soon as I was debating over if I should or shouldn't be turned on, and add running in the dark, not knowing where you are going, something bad was about to happen, I slammed into something hard and as I fell hard on my back, all I remember was a heavy breathing over me and then it all went black as I faded into darkness. 

Author's Notes 

Please please comment, I want to know if i should continue the story or not. because if no one likes it or doesn't comment i don't know what I should do......

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