Part Two- "Someone Call 911 Shawty Fire Burnin on the Dance Floor"

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~Mila's POV~

Omg my parents are going to kill me that I got into trouble at the mall again but Rai is picking me up and there might be a chance that she has not told them yet and I am hoping I can convince her not to because I swear this time was not my fault. How was I supposed to know that the boys we were with were going to steal! I mean WE (meaning us girls) were not involved but as soon as security caught them, they automatically brought us all in but let my friends go because it was their first offensive. So after they got let go, all that was left was me and the boys cuz I was not a first time offender and lets not say my second either or third, its more like my fourth but I swore I would never get in trouble again and I was planning on that not but of course those dumbass boys had to steal something. 

By the looks on the boys faces they weren't expecting me to still be around cuz they probably thought I would be let go with the rest of the boys but ohh nooo I didn't and now I am sitting in a small room with a smelly mall cop and 4 teenage boys looking like they are about to shit a brick cuz they are afraid of what their mommy's are going to do to them...ohh please they are such pussy's I mean it is not like we actually got arrested by real cops..right its just the stupid mall cop...but me I am just sitting her like a bad ass cuz I have been in this situation a few times soo I know the whole ordeal...but I just want Rai to hurry the fuck up cuz I don't know if i could take this anymore. And one of the boys keep on winking at me like I just turned him on or something but what eves I just want to get out of here!!!

20 minutes later

I swear if I have to wait any longer for Rai I am going to kill someone. Basically all the boys have gotten picked up. So now it was just me, the mall cop, and the creepy boy that is now smirking at me. Great..Just as I was about to give up on my hopes..I hear my loud ass sister yell "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!!" and hearing that I felt a sigh of relief and happiness because my sister finally is here and now I get to leave. Even though I know she is going to bitch me out in the car cuz I don't care cuz all that matters is that she really did come and get me.....

~Aaron's POV~ 

Ohh my Rai needs to hurry the fuck up cuz I swear I cannot take it anymore. Seal and Tianna have completely lost it! They are bouncing off the wall and going crazy and getting into everything. And plus Easton is no help and him and his friends are just eating all the food and not caring that the little ones just flooded the BATHROOM!!!!

Ohhh shit Rai is going to kill me....why won't the water stop pouring out of the bathtub and sink!!!!! Shit water is now everywhere and I think now it is leaking through the ceiling now...great...I am sooo dead...god Razor..I need you...please hurry..

~Rai Rai's POV~ 

So Mila is just silent the whole way home..she said she will explain later and now it is start explaining!!! But all she said was Thanks...THANKS!!! What the fuck has happen to my bitch of a sister! but you know I am not going to ruin it and just accept the fact that she said thanks..."your welcome and just to let you know I will tell mom and dad you came home early from the sleepover because you got sick...okay?" (WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING!!!!) I am saving my ass from getting in trouble from my parents..Let’s just hope they will never find out..

Mila was taken back by me not going to rat her out and all she said was "REALLY"

"Yes really Mila, cuz since your ass decided to go to the mall with dick heads who thinks it is cool to steal and mom and dad are out of town and I am in charge....let’s just say I am gonna let it sly cuz I don't want my ass, grass but you know you have to tell them someday soon about what happen..okay?"

A could see a smile appearing on her face from the conner of my eye."Thanks Rai and I know I havee to but I am afraid to tell them about what happened."

And with that I was about to respond but as soon as I tried to pull into the drive way I saw flashing lights and an utility truck and all I had to say is ohhhh fuck not again..I was hoping that at least once the Harrison kid's could not screw things up but I thought wrong and all in the back of my mind was that I am gonna kill  Aaron for not calling and for letting this happen. 

Author's Notes

sooo how are you guys liking it??? please comment your thoughts about the story because I want some feedback. I WANT TO KNOW IF YOU LIKING IT SOO FAR????

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