Chapter 16- Family and Friends

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~Aaron's POV~

I swear last night was a night from hell. I just cannot believe what happened to Rai, I mean why in the world would someone harm or hurt her. I just feel sooo much anger and I swear if Easton didn't stop me I would have killed him. No one hurts my Razor, never ever. 

Everyone in the Harrison Family is here. This morning Hope brought the little ones over to see Rai because they were worried. Dre just landed and James is picking him up from the Air port. So it is going to be one big family reunion. It kind of sad that people have family reunions when someone either dies or is hurt. But who cares, it shows how much people care about Rai. 

I haven't left Rai, I sitting in her room staring at her bruised fragil body. I wont leave her side because when I was in the hospital she never left my side so why should I leave her. I know I look like a mess because the last 12 hours have been chaotic to say the least. 

"Aaron, honey, I think you should get something to eat." Hally, Rai's mom said coming in the room checking on Rai. "I know Rai wouldn't want you to starve yourself for her and plus as soon as she wakes up we can see if she can come home." Mrs. Harrison said in the motherly way that I have missed so much. She sounded with complete sencereity. I looked up at her with a tear in my eye and she embraced me in a hug. "Aaron, this isn't your fault honey, it is okay." She told me while rubbing my back to calm me down. 

I broke a part from the embrace and mouthed 'thank you' and got up a left. When I looked back over my shoulder Mrs. Harrison gave me a caring look that made me remember the look that my mother used to give me. And I gave her a faint smile to reassure her that I will be fine 

I made my way to the cafeteria and grabbed me something little to eat because actually I have no appetite to eat anything. I mean I should eat but after what happened to Rai, I really can't stomach anything. 

When I entered the cafeteria I spotted Rai's friends, silent, picking at their food. So I walked passed them not trying to be noticed. 

"HEY AARON!! YOU JUST GONNA WALK PASS US???? RUDE!!" Vi yelled after me and pulling my arm. And forcing me to sit next her. So I was stuck in between her and Riley. 

Vi looked at me "Aaron, I am happy that Mrs., H finally got you to eat something. Cuz you haven't left Rai's side since we were allowed to see her. It is really sweet that Rai has a best friend like you." She said with a smile, rubbing my arm. 

"Vi, It is no big deal, I kind of owe Rai since when I was in the ER with a concussion she never left my side so I figured why would I leave hers. And plus I would never leave my Razor alone." I accidentally said the last part out loud. And everyone looked at me. 

"YOUR RAZOR!" Carter said with a chuckle. "Damn, A-Run, you must really love her." Nova elbowed him for saying the last part "OUCH, Nov, it is the truth, you know you were thinking the same thing. And plus I would approve of Aaron and Rai because Aaron isn't like her usually douche bags of boyfriends she chooses." He finished with a smirk. 

If things couldn't be more awkward Tristan joined in "Carter, I agree with you on that one, I mean I would totally approve if Rai and Aaron get together, I mean they would make a cute couple and plus they already have had a couple make out sessions if i quote what Nova told me what Rai told her 'he has the softest lips and I just want to suck his face all the time'" He could barely finish because he was laughing so hard and Carter could barely control himself either. Nova elbowed them both to shut up. 

"I swear Tristan, I told you that in confidence and here you blabbed you mouth, god Trist, Rai is going to kill me now." She turned to me "Aaron ignore these assholes, they are being dicks but I wouldn't disagree with them and By the looks of it you don't mind either because you are starting to blush." She winked at me. 

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