Chapter 3- My Not So Care Free Saturday

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~Rai Rai's POV~

So as soon as I walked downstairs my mom hollered at me and I just knew this was going to be a great day. So I walked over to my mom because I knew If I didn’t I would have gotten In trouble and from this morning I was In no mood to get yelled at even more. 

"Rai, honey your dad and I are going to be out till later tonight and maybe even early Sunday morning and we would appreciate It If you could watch the little ones. and before you get all upset, Mila Is at the mall and when she Is done she Is staying at a friend’s, but Easton Is having a couple friends over, so that means you have to just check on them ever so often. But the only ones you have to worry about Is Ella, Hudson, TI TI, and Seal. But you have Aaron to help out so it should not be that hard. And please Rai can you just help.?"

I in complete shock that she is making me watch the little ones! I mean why can't SI or Ace they live here too but all that came out was "really" and from the looks on my mother's face she did not like that response. 

"Yes REALLY, Rai. this Is Important to your father and I am going along for moral support and I am not asking you, I am telling you and do not give me lip about SI and Ace because I would rather have you watch the kids Instead of them and that Is finally. And plus you have Aaron as help!"

And with that I knew I had no choice and that my care free Saturday of doing nothing was ruined by this and plus I get to hang out with Aaron. (woooo I'm sooo excited...not) "Fine mom I understand" I replied defeated "good and you know what numbers you need to contact us In case of emergency" and with that my dad came up behind her with two weekend bags in his hands. "Hally, we need to get going so we can beat traffic" he said to my mom who looked happy as If my dad came to her rescue from dealing with me. "Okay Jay, I told Rai what was going on." she smiled

My dad looked at me and smiled. "It was a last minute thing Rai, I am sorry but duty calls, but I laid money on the counter to order out some food for you and the kids." and with that my dad walk over to me and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear. "If those teenage boys, I meaning Easton and his friends get out of line, I give you permission to kick their asses, Rai but you and Aaron will be fine but I don't want what happened this morning In the kitchen happening again you hear me." With no other option and with a little chuckle I resorted with "fine, it won’t happen and you know I will beat the shit out of the boys if they get out of line, no worries and love you dad." My dad let out a chuckle, kissed the top of my head and walked back to my mom indicating that It Is time to get going. 

The last words they both said before exiting the front door was "BEHAVE KIDS" 

And with those last words, my parents left me alone with my little siblings Including Easton's stupid friends, (but thank god Mila Is going to her friends), and Aaron. Well this should be one hell of night! (Oozing with sarcasms while saying that) but what can go wrong right? It’s just an afternoon and night, what can happen....

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