Chapter 2- A-Run and Razor

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~Raiana's POV~(Another pic of Rai)

With that hearing those words come out of Ace's mouth made me have this dumb found look on my face because I had no Idea that this hot guy I was gawking at and who was half naked In my kitchen was A-RUN!!! Then with a shock looked on my face I looked up at Aaron and spitted out "A-Run"? That damn boy with that same damn smirk nodded and said "Razor"? And with that a flashed back came over me playing with Aaron when we were little because are dads were In the military together and Aaron was my dad's god son but why the hell Is he here?

Me apparently have no filter this morning rudely said "what the fuck are you doing here A-Run?" I said without thinking and still smirking he said "nice to see you too Razor, but damn I must say you grew up nice and you aren't the annoying girl that I used to call Razor." I was in utter disgust because I hated that nickname Razor because Aaron used to call me that all the time because he thought it was funny. I snorted back "thank you I guess I did grow up nice but apparently you just grew up into a bigger ass than you were when we were little A-Run?" and with that I had the biggest smirk on my face.

Aaron In a little thrown off balance trying to come up with a smart ass comment but couldn't and all he said was "how has It been Razor?" and then that damn smirk came back.

I was tired of coming up with smart ass comments because It Is morning and I was done with this whole smirk ass thing and cut it uses way to much energy "I'm fine just enjoying my breakfast. How about you A-Run?" I guess with me saying that and not something snotty or bItchy Aaron was taken back a little bit and then he smirked back and said "well Razor, I have been okay" and with that we were silent just looking at one another for no apparent reason and with that a damn smirk appeared on my face and with that Aaron's damn smirk got even bigger. 

~Aaron's POV~ 

HOLLY SHIT THAT IS RAZOR!!!!! OHH FUCK SHE IS SO FINE!!! I basically screamed when I saw her walk down the stairs looking hella fine (with a plus of her being half naked) I just couldn't stop staring at her, I felt like a perve but her body Is just so sexy and I just cannot help myself. I am an 18 year old boy what do you except. 

So this just weird both of just staring at each other without saying anything. But I couldn't help myself from staring at her beautiful big brown eyes; I might say they are the most beautiful eyes I have ever laid upon. But come on we are talking about Razor, this is just no. 

Interrupting our awkward moment her father comes barging in upset because he just had to deal with SI who was drunk and high. So Mr. Harrison was not to happy to see me half naked in his kitchen with his teenage daughter and we are just looking at each other never breaking our stare. 

"Rai, Aaron, what the hell is going on? And boy put your shirt on, please." Mr. Harrison sounding annoyed 

"RIght away, yes sir, sorry I didn’t mean for It and" before I could finish I just decided to stop before I could make a bigger fool out of myself. 

"It Is fine Aaron, so I guess you have met Rai Rai then" I nodded In response to what he was saying "and I guess from the looks of It you guys have not seen each other In awhile because you guys are gawking at each other like each other are some sort of foreign species." with that I looked over to Rai she was starting to blush at her father's comment but Mr. Harrison continued "so by the look In your face Rai, you are wondering why Aaron Is here right?" Rai nodded In response "well Aaron's dad wanted Aaron to stay with us for awhile to get away since his mother passed and while his dad stRaighten out everything." with that my smirk faded because hearing someone mention my mother's passing, It just makes me upset because I really haven't got over It, 

With that Rai looked up to my face with those beautiful big brown eyes with a little shock and sadness and all she could summon up was "I'm sorry Aaron, I didn’t know, and now I feel like a huge bItch now." hearing Rai call herself a bItch made my smirk appear because that girl has no filter "It's fine Rai, you didn’t know, so there Is no need for you to feel like a bItch when you were just being your warming sweet self" and with the last part, I had to add sarcasm  because come on Its still Razor. 

Again silence flooded the kitchen while Mr. Harrison continued to stare Rai and I down but that was short lifted when I think one of Rai's little sister came In the kitchen yelling for her dad.

"DAD!! CAN I GO TO THE MALL, WITH MY FRIENDS...PLEASE" I think Mila begged to her father who was a little taken back because she was basically screaming. 

"Mila, make sure you don't get In trouble this time and yes why not, you can go" Mr. Harrison said while walking out of the kitchen leaving Rai and I alone again just staring at each other. 

Rai breaking the awkwardness is now getting up and putting her bowl in the sink. "So Aaron, long times no see. And with you staying here, I'm sure we can catch up another time then" she smiled exiting the kitchen to go upstairs but before she could sneak away she got caught by her older brother Major. "ShIt" Rai mumble while walking back over to her brother looking pissed. So I left the kitchen because I am sure this will be Interesting to see because Rai and Major have never really got along with each other. 

So I plopped down on the couch in the living room where Major, his fiancée, her family, Mrs. Harrison, Mr. Harrison, and the one and only chipper Rai, who looks like she Is about to die. But the only thing I could do is just sit there a smirk at her because hey I think It Is cute when Rai gets pIssed. 

~Rai Rai's POV~

Why the fuck is that boy is always smirking at me? Does he have a disease or something because I swear he does it all the time? I mean having Aaron smirking at me and dealing with Major and Hope going over wedding stuff informing me that pretty soon I need to get fitted in my bridesmaid dress. Which I can hardly wait (kill me now) 

So an hour and half later, they finally shut the fuck up and this whole wedding planning meeting is over. THANK GOD!!!! Because Idk how much longer I could deal with. But as they are finally saying their goodbyes and exiting, I decided to make a run for it upstairs before they can make me do anything else. 

Almost out of breath, I plop down on my bed, and taking a big breathe because finally peace and quiet and plus my bed is sooooo comfortable. Realizing that It Is almost 11 o'clock I groan because I have to get up and take a shower now. Smelling myself, I assure myself that I for sure need to take a shower because I stink. And plus a part of me does not want to admit but I have to look good In front of Aaron because I do not want him to think that I am that little tom boy who he used to call Razor. 

*20 minutes later*

So after I got out of the shower, I got dressed In skinny jeans, a red tank top, and a black cardigan (not trying to look to fancy but nice casual) I through my hair up In a messy bun, grabbing my cell-phone and making my way downstairs to embark on my care free Saturday. 

Author's notes

hope you enjoyed it. please comment your thoughts because i love getting feedback :)

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