Chapter 58

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I was worried about my mate. She has been sick for the last few days. "Davina said it could happen at any time. And that we didn't need to wait the normal 4 weeks to tell if we are pregnant." I said as Rose was in the bathroom taking a pregnancy test.

"I know... But I was hoping to have more time with us being human together. Have a little longer at this life. A human life!" I hear her say as I smile. I know what she means.

"Yeah! I know what you mean! It has been nice. Being able to eat, sleep and play around! Not break the bed every time we have sex." I say with a laugh and then a sigh as I don't want to go back to being a vampire. It has been nice to be human and eat food, feeling the warmth of Rosalie as I hold her at night. I smiled at the stack of photos Davina had given us. Some are just me and Rose, some with the pack and their imprints and some with us and Davina doing different things around the reservation.

"Ok so we have to wait a few minutes! And then we will know for sure!" Rose says as she stands in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Are you nervous about it?" I say as I point to the bathroom as she walks over to me.

"NO! I mean we are human right now, who's to say it is not a cold or something!" Rose says as I nod my head at her. "I mean I would be excited if we were... But I would like to have more time with you as a human. I know this was only meant to give us a baby. But I would love to stay human. With our child!" Rose says as I smile at her.

"I know... But we are getting this amazing gift. And we both know that if Davina could, she would let us have this kind of life. Here with her and the pack and our child!" I say as Rose nods her head.

"I know!" She says as the timer goes off. "Time to see if we are going to be parents or not!" She says as I smile. I prepare myself for the worst knowing that it might not be time for us. Maybe we do get to have a little longer at having a human life. I hear Rosalie scream. I ran into the bathroom to see her crying.

"We are going to be parents! I'm pregnant!" She says as I smile at her. I walk over to her and kiss her. I place my hand on her stomach.

"We are going to be parents?" I ask as she nods her head at me. I get onto my knees and kiss her stomach. "Hello my baby! Please be good to your mother!" I say as Rosalie giggles at me.

"I don't think the baby can hear you just yet." She says as I stand up and kiss her again. "We need to tell Davina about this. See what the next step is. How do we go from here?"She says as I nod my head at her. I watch as she places her hand on her flat stomach.

"Ok! You stay here and rest and I will go and tell her! And be right back!" I say as she smiles and nods her head at me. "Think about what you and the baby would want for dinner and I will make sure it will happen." I say as I kiss her again. I ran out of the house. I stopped about 15 feet from the front door. I don't know where Davina is. Best place to start would be the place Jared bought for them. As I ran I smiled the whole way.

I ran up to the house to see Embry pacing outside. I smile at him as I run past. I hear people talking so I run up the stairs. When I ran into Davina's and Jared's room. Hoping that I don't walk in on something. "Rosalie is pregnant! Davina did it, we are going to have a baby!" I yell but then I see Davina laying on her bed. "What happened?" I ask as I run over to Davina and make sure she isn't hurt.

"We don't know!" Paul says as he looks over at Jared. I turn to look at him as he huffs.

"I don't know. Orgasm coma! She had like six of them before this happened!" Jared says as some of the pack laughs but Paul growls at him. He goes to stand but falls back.

"Something is not right!" Paul says as he falls asleep or passes out, I'm not sure. I help Sam move him downstairs. Jared looks like he is about to pass out. Quil and Embry catch him before he hits the ground.

"Put him upstairs with 'D'!" He says before looking over at me. "I am happy for you man! And I know once they wake up they will be too." Sam says as I smile at him.

"We just need to find out what happened to them!" I say as Sam nods his head.

"Don't tell Rosalie about this just yet. She doesn't need anything upsetting her." Sam said as I laughed at him. "I don't need a pissed off Davina on my ass, if anything happened to her and the baby!" He says as we both look scared.

"Yeah I have seen what that girl can do!" I say as Sam laughs at me. "And I will pass on that!" I say as I pat Sam on the back.

"I need to go and call the elders. See if they know what is happening to them." Sam says as I nod my head.

"Whatever it is, Davina is the center of it." I say as Sam looks at me confused. "Wait... Hasn't Davina pulled Paul into another vision?" I ask as Sam nods his head.

"You think she pulled them into this one?" Embry asks as I nod my head at him.

"Yeah, but that one was like a replay! Not the original one." Quil says as we all look back over at Paul. "Will he is smiling so whatever is happening it isn't bad." I say as they all nod their heads.

"That is true!" Sam says as we all stand and wait for them to wake up.

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