(3) Mediator

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I dug through my bag and pulled out my Beat headphones and decided to Mediator by Jinjer while reading my book. I sat near the window, looking at the grey murky sky. God how long would I be stuck here?

At least I came prepared with some headphones, my portable charger for my phone and headphones. Why was the universe out to get me? Aleksi and I avoided each other all day.

Until my stomach started making noise that I was hungry. I didn't want to bother him. I felt a tap on my shoulder causing a yell to escape my lips.

"Fucking hell! What do you want?" I asked the black haired one.

"I figured you were hungry, maybe we could make some ramen noodles." The blue eyed one asks me. I got up from the window area and followed him.

He had a nice cosy home, especially it was clean.

"Are you inspecting my home or something?" He asks me causing me to jump.

"Why should I be?" I asked him, while we walked toward his kitchenette. Two days stuck at a stranger's house. That was just fucking brilliant. I swear something was cursing me so badly. Was it my karma? Was it what Spencer had done?

I tried to stay calm, while I helped him chop the ingredients.

"So tell me why pre-med? Did you want to be a doctor?" Aleksi asks me while he was boiling the noodles.

"I don't know I think it was always a dream of mine, you know work with young children and helped those in need." I said with a sigh.

"Oh is that so? I mean I don't really know anything theoretical, only music was my thing." He says to me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well at least you do what you love right?" I said, to him while we waited for the broth to boil.

"Yes I do. Editing music and owning my own record studio has it's perks I guess. Although sometimes it can be boring." He said.

"Seriously try memorising medical terminology and the root of it being Latin. Now that's some boring shit." I said to him.

We finished the cooking, while walking over the table and we started plating the food. I begin playing with it. He wasn't that bad looking.

His black hair was quite shaggy, those bright blue electric eyes. I mean he was gorgeous, his long sleeve white top was rolled up exposing his black and grey tattoos. It suited his personality type.

"I know you're analysing me so cut that shit out." He says, I wondered how many girl he had slept with? His hands were big. God Lilith why the fuck are you looking at his hands? I groaned mentally.

I drummed my dark green painted nails against the wooden table.

"Look I know it sucks. We've had sex and all but it doesn't have to be all so bad." The black haired one says. I choked on my food.

"Gee you can't live it down huh? Yes it happened. But it's so uncomfortable." I said with a sigh, while playing with chopsticks.

His phone was ringing and said: Niko

"Excuse me a moment." Aleksi says walking away from the table, I sighed and started to put my bowl in the sink. I looked at the weather app. Today, Wednesday and Thursday it was showing the worse brunt of the storm.

Aleksi shuffles over to me and says.

"If you don't want to share a bed with me, I have a guest room. So you can sleep there." Aleksi says and I nodded.

"Oh thank you." I said following him into the guest room.

"Well goodnight!" I said to the black haired one.I walked into the room, and begin to take off my ripped jeans. They were so restricting. I laid my head on my knees and climbed into bed to get some sleep.

Until a loud clap of lightening jolted me awake, I hated lightening especially sleeping alone. I found myself padding out into the hallway, Aleksi door was slightly ajar.

"Aleksi!" I whimper shaking the dark haired one awake.

"Mhm what Lilith?" He asks sleepily. I jumped when another clap of thunder came, his blue eyes opened.

"Are you afraid of the lightening?" He asks with a yawn and I nodded. He moves over and let's me cuddle up to him.

I jumped again, he was shirtless but I felt his body press against mine. His fingers running through my burgundy hair and it put me to sleep.


I woke up to someone in my bed, I looked down and saw Lilith's burgundy hair sprawled all over the bed. Her head was on my chest, she was sleeping soundly.

Is it odd that this felt comfortable to be so close to someone? I felt a smile creep onto my face. I checked the time, it was quite early. She held onto me tightly. I sighed ran my hand through her shiny burgundy hair.

I wished I could remember that night, it was hazy but I remembered bits and pieces. Ugh, how did I manage to go on dating site and find a girl and agree to an one night stand. Well thanks to the hurricane, it would turn into a two night thing.

She hates me for sure, but I don't think it was pointless to think about it. I sighed, I ran my hand through my black hair. She rolled over and I quietly got out of bed throwing on a shirt.

The sky was still dreary, and it was raining hard. I decided to make some coffee and breakfast. I sighed, as the smell of coffee filled the kitchen.

I decided to make some scrambled eggs and bacon. I yawned.


I woke to the smell off coffee, I padded outside to kitchen. As Aleksi was making some breakfast, he had two black plates on the table.

"Good morning!" I said, he jumped when he saw.

"Fuck.. Good morning Lilith. How did you sleep?" Aleksi asks while blushing a little. Yes I was standing in front of the guy in a baggy Iron Maiden shirt and underwear. His gaze trailed down my body.

"My eyes up here buddy!" I said with a chuckle.

"Coffee?" He asks and I laughed.

"Now you're talking little man!" I said and climbed onto the bar stool, while I looked down at my thigh tattoos.

I looked at my Corpse bride tattoo and the Slyan tattoo I had.

"You have interesting tattoos." Aleksi says while looking at my hand.

"Yes I'm a fan of fine line black and grey tattoos. Also on my left thigh I have the main characters from Corpse Bride and then on my right I have a strange Sylan tattoo." I said.

"I find your ones interesting also. You're a fan of black and grey also." I asked him.

"Yes!" He says plating our food, while he placed the frying pan in the sink. We ate in silence.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I asked while seeing the rain was getting harder.

"Well I have to get to editing some music and shit. I have a spare computer if you need to check your emails." Aleksi says while he placed the plates in the sink.

"Oh that would be great if I could borrow your computer." I said to him, he nods and bring out a white Dell XPS laptop and leaves it on the kitchen island.

I washed the plates and put them in the dish rack near the sink. I dried my hands on my shirt, and got a bounty and decided to get into my Gmail. I had my phone next to me.

I looked for the physicians assistance job, it was still pending. I was praying I could get it. I decided to log onto my Netflix and I saw Pride & Prejudice and  watched it.

My favorite scene was the proposal, the way he was so proper and charming. Would I ever find a Prince Charming like that? I found myself thinking back to Spencer and the times we had wasted.

A/N: Re-edited and fixed. Something was throwing me off about the way the story was going. Do you think Aleksi and Lilith will get along? What do you want to see happen while they're together? - MyVictim

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