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You can follow me on my social media. Noted down on my bio. I'll be posting chapter by chapter. Your support is appreciated. Thanks for reading!


Rebecca keeps on bugging me in the morning telling me to wake up. The sun hasn't risen and yet she's wide awake. 

"Get your fat ass up or I'll drench you with water!"

She insists on jogging everyday at 5 am and I never wake up on time. This is due to the fact that I'm always at Leo's garage almost every night.

Yes. Yes. Rebecca doesn't know I street race. If she did I would most likely be behind bars by now. Secrets are never safe with her and I can't take that risk.

Yesterday I was up all day finishing my assignment which was due last week before I raced the night away. I tug my warm blanket harder as I ignore Becky's wails.

Jerking out of bed, the cold water bites my back.

"What the fuck was that for Becky!?" 

"I warned you" she replies with a smirk on her face.

 I dart out of my bedroom to refill the pot with water. No way will she get away with that.

Launching the water at her, she let's out a loud squeal and chases after me. The ground is too slippery and I find myself landing on the floor.

We laugh uncontrollably at my clumsiness, what a way to start my day. 

Lying on the ground with an ache she empties the remaining water on me. "Bon appetit"

 "You can skip jogging for today. Your body looks stunning"

It takes me a while before I get up and head to the shower. My thoughts still on that race. Who tipped them off?

The hot shower helps with my aches. Both physical and sexual. Memories of my ex fly past me and I cant help but caress myself. Getting over that fuckboy is harder than I thought.

The last seven months have been drought and famine even though boys practically beg to be with me. Nate left me bitter and I never looked at a guy the same way.

A tall,built,sexy dude. Hottest guy on campus. I regret the day we  first met.

His family was regarded as royalty as he was the mayor's son. He always acted like a savage in bed and was really good in the sheets.

The best moment we had was when we fucked right across the mayor's desk. He had a heated argument with his dad and wanted to get some kind of revenge. Pulling me into his dad's office he pinned me to the wall,kissing me hard. He turned me to face the wall as he grinded his groin on my ass, finger fucking me through my skirt. We were both drunk that night .

He  pushed me to the desk, bending me over and slamming hard into me. My hands were held and I could only lie there and take his slow then fast strokes. I tightened right before he stopped thrusting, my wetness dripping as he slapped my ass. He massaged my clit an...


Shuffling out of the shower I dry myself, snapping back to reality. I come out of the bathroom to meet Becky in the hallway. 

Her blonde wavy hair was tied into a beautiful messy bun. She had an elf-like nose that dropped daintily down from its peak, completing her plush lips. Few freckles seem painted on her rosy cheeks and perfection was all I could think of. Standing at a 5'5", her perfect figure poured into a nice hourglass. My mom would make a nice dress for her.

"You still think of Nate ?" 

"No. Uhh how did you know?" I reply shyly as I look at the floor

"I mean you face is practically red and your breathing like you just ran a mile"

We had been together for three years when he dumped me for a trashier girl with bigger boobs. Funny thing is that they were actually fake. I don't like her because she tries to tarnish my name every chance she gets. She can have him for all I care. I just need to focus on myself right now. She gives me a worried look before handing me an apple.

 "It will get better Kate" 

"Yeah. I hope so"

I head to my room to change. Wearing my black converse, dirty gray skinnies and a Nirvana top. My typical outfit completed with a braided bun with golden studs. I grab my backpack and head downstairs. Noises in Becky's room catch my attention and I try my best to ignore them.

Checking my blog for any notifications on my search for a career, I take a sip of my black coffee.

Photography is basically what I live for and even though my family has money, I know that my father would want me to get a job. There's only one notification from some boy named Seb. I open the message that included his contact details and a link.

"Thirsty huh" I whisper to myself as I finish my drink. I know it's that guy from the race. It must be him. How did he manage to find me?

I decide to check out his profile, my eyes meeting breathtaking shots. His shots are amazing and the angles are spectacular.

Becky's noises become louder and I hear a male voice. Something feels odd and I head to her bedroom. As the door creaks open, Becky dives out of the bed falling head first to the floor. The guy's confidence is creepy as hell and I wonder where she got him from.

 "what the hell Becky?"  

"it-s Dan-ny. He said he likes flexible girls", she stands up "He's my instructor" 

I leave the room wondering why I never minded my damn business. The amount of things Becky does and insists its not cheating is seriously alarming. 

A warm gust of wind hits me as I walk downstairs, instantly making me feel dizzy. Flashes of my nightmares pass me and I hold the wall for support.

"is the madam okay?" the man speaks in a foreign accent, scaring me out of my trance. I turn to see him still naked before practically running downstairs. I seriously need to warn Becky about that guy.

Its now 7:30 am and I need to reach campus by 8:00 to drop my assignment. Grabbing my car keys, I head outside the apartment, entering my black 1967 mustang Shelby. It was my Father's back when I was 11. Before he died in a car crash. 

My mother and I were left in a wreck. My younger sister too young to understand. I was allowed to take ownership of the car for he was planning to give it to me when I reached eighteen.

The warm summer air is starting to fade and I let my hair down letting it be caressed. I drive at a slow speed, embracing the aesthetic. My hair is wild and refuses to behave when I reach the school compound, forcing me to put it up in a ponytail. 

I apply  my ruby red lipstick before I get out of the car. Let people see I'm no longer mourning for my ex.

Shuffling in my bag I take out my iPod and put my father's favorite song, Down under by Men at work.

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