Old habits

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 All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. 

This is a fantasy.  

WARNING! This story contains abusive language and mature content.


I drift off heading to the tracks. This has been my routine  once in every month. I don't do it for money but only for the rush. A couple of grand is everything but I really don't need the money. 

The tracks change and nobody knows where the races are moved to. Driving my Hennessey venom GT, matte black, the fastest car I own, makes me feel more at home.  Current participants are notified forty minutes before the race and are only told once for security reasons.

I have participated twice but only won once. The second race was won a guy named Sebastian and the clown is too foolish to write his real name. Him being a cocky son of a gun with killer looks sort of ignites something in me.

 Temptation runs everywhere. Even when my ex-boyfriend asked me out, I had some shows on the sidelines. But I thought he was also cheating on me which he probably was.

Two hours later and I still haven't reached the destination. I stop as the blip magically stops in the middle of the road. Turning I see the replica of my car, but metallic gray with LED blue lights.

The driver rolls down his windows,smirking at me while revving the engine in short smooth motions. I roll my windows back up not wanting to be distracted by the arrogant, gorgeous guy.

 My head has to be in the game.

Two cars come beside each other one green and the other maroon. A robotic voice comes out o f the GPS hologram, enhancing my focus. "Dry hump your seats dear racers, the race is about to begin"

What? How? We're literally in the middle of a highway in a city. People can get hurt.

 Out of instinct I rev my engine still contemplating on whether I should back out of the race. Safety comes first and I press on some button, covering both of my number plates with a metallic brick. If shit goes down I don't want to be on the wanted list.


But if I leave my payment of  500 grand will be a total waste.


No. No who cares I'm doing it for the rush and if I win the Jackpot is mine.


Something suspicious is going on here. There is no way we can be street racing downtown where everyone can see. A trap has to have been set.


I slam on the gas. Hearing my beautiful baby roar in delight. Shifting gears I look at the GPS portrayed on my windscreen. I have a really bad feeling about this race.

Following the marked line I hit the turbo making me lead. The two cars are currently fighting each other as Sebastian and I are neck on neck. The rush I get when I push my car to it's limits makes me grin like a fool.

Drifting at the second corner, the driver in the green car hits me from behind, forcing me to look at my rear view mirror. His body on body pushing my car, making it hard for me to steer properly. 

Bloody bastard. 

It takes me a minute to see the rigid face on the windshield. He looks like he doesn't know what he is doing cause it is against the rules. Something hits me and I realize he's a cop. It's clear that he's trying to remove the metallic brick to see my plate.

I step on the nitro, making flames come out of the exhaust burning his bonnet. Accelerating away from him I catch up with the two. It was a 1000 yards to the finish line and I believe that the winner is going to be me.

Sirens are heard and I look at my rear view mirror again to see the undercover cop with three black Ferraris beside it. I mutter curse words at myself hitting the turbo again. Clocking a 230 my car speaks like the beast it is. Thankfully the time is past midnight. No traffic on this side of the city.

Shifting gears, I step on my nitro at the last minute. Crossing the finish line first gives me a sense of accomplishment. The money is mine, whether or not someone did not want me to have it is not my problem.

"Well done Kate! I hope we're splitting the money" Leo speaks through my earpiece . The race was live and spectators watch online and of course my race guide has.

"Tonight is a code red. They're on my tail"

"Turn left at the next intersection. There's a small road on your right. The first two trees aren't really real. Make sure to let your window down at that point"

"Great Thank you" I say till speeding off from the other participants. The wider our distance is, the better.

He cuts off and the sound of my engine is the only sound to be heard. Following his instructions, I finally reach the garage.

The metal gate opens and they begin spraying my car yellow right away, no questions asked. Changing cars I opt for an average looking one, one that blends in. The people here are friendly, hopefully they won't remember my face.

I see the green car from a distance when  I get back on the road. They must be looking for us. Once he drives close by he flashes the police lights signaling me to pull over.

Rolling down my windows he walks to my car.

"Is there a problem officer?" I ask flashing my now 10 million dollar smile.


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