A dangerous passion

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The dark hall seems like it's never ending pit. Musk and earth fills the air as I look around. A screech is heard and I begin to sprint. 

My heavy breathing and footsteps are the only things to be heard. I turn to look behind only to be hit by a sharp jab. Looking  up I dizzily see outlines of heat waves on top of me. "Katerina" I turn behind but I see nothing. My head continues to throb with pain as I stand up. Touching the waves I find out it's some sort of wall. 

"Katerina" The voice becomes louder it must be angry ."Leave me alone!" I try to fight off the voice. 

"Katerina!". It sends chills all over my body and a gust of wind slams me to the wall beside me.

 "Please" I cry out as I kneel on the rocky ground. "My love are you okay" I look up to see Sebastian. Realizing he is the knight that always fights with the shadow, I hold out to take his hand. 

The screech comes back louder this time and Sebastian's heart is torn out of his chest by the shadow. "Katerina" the voice now directly in my ear as I feel the air leaving my lungs.

Heat rapidly speeds all over my body as its screams continues to pierce my ear drums.

I wake up drenched in sweat and gasping for air. My bedroom looks normal and the birds chirp signaling the birth of a new day. My body temperature seems above normal and I sit at the edge of my bed. Heading downstairs to fetch a glass of water, I hazily see Ms Penelope next to the kitchen sink. Rubbing my eyes I look again but she's no longer there. 

Sitting on one of the kitchen stools, I start to grow tired of my lucid nightmares.

"How long have you been here?" Becky asks and I turn to face her. 

I lost track of time thinking of my past and present, wondering about the future. "Just reached a few minutes ago" I reply yawning.

"So how's you and Mr sexy? I heard him drop you off last night" she asks pouring coffee in her mug.

 "he's not all that" 

"Ahem! He beats Nate on a whole new level and Nate WAS the hottest boy in campus. You always get the lava"

"Ha. Sheer luck I guess" I drop my ponytail and my hair is set free. "Take a quick shower. Meet here at 11. We need to go for shopping" she takes a sip of her coffee.

"11:00? but it's like 7:30" I ask confused at why she needs a lot of time to get ready. "Sorry babe. It's 10:00" she states as she heads upstairs.

The last time I checked it was 6:00am.


The Mall is basically full when we arrive, deciding to head to the sports shop located at the second floor. We never really enter a store unless we have the urge to.  

"Catch you in 5 minutes Kate. I see heaven" 

Looking up I see a couple of guys waving at us. The reason behind her change of plans.

I walk to the Sports shop alone putting on my earbuds. Directly heading to the yoga section once I reach, some dark gray tights are on sale and they look tight. Just right.

Turning my attention to the running section I pick out a red shock absorber plunge sports bra. This will definitely get Sebastian's attention. He has been nothing but nice to me and I think I should let him know that I am in fact interested.

I look up to see Becky with one of the guys from the food court coming towards me. 

"Kate this is Cruz he's going to show me a tour of his villa so don't wait up on me tonight" she radiantly speaks

"Go easy on him" They both laugh as she takes his hand, heading out of the store. I smile a little and go to the changing rooms to see if the clothes I took look good on me. She seems happier without her boyfriend.

"That will be all"

"Nice taste. You'll look great in these" the girl at the counter states.

"Thank you" I smile and head out, wondering if she only said that as a compliment or as part of the customer service.

It's a quarter past noon when I reach home, heading straight to bed for a nap. The fitness class starts at five and I have time for a short slumber.

I wake up with drool on my face, turning the alarm clock off. Looking at the time its a half past four. I really need to work on my sleep schedule because I slept through the previous alarms.

Rushing to the bathroom, I take a brisk shower. Applying some bit of make up when I'm done. Once my outfit is complete I grab my bag, running downstairs.

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