Kiss And Tell

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Its now ten and we're still at it. Each time we have a new story to tell. The gossip she fills me in with leaves me grinning like a fool. How the hell does she get all these info. 

"I have to go now. Cruz is coming for me at 11:00." She jumps off the couch while looking at her watch.
"Oh and I'm taking your red gown"

Guess I'll spend the Friday night alone.

"Use protection!"

I head to my bedroom and change. Maybe just maybe I can manage watching a movie. Sitting on my couch for almost two hours leaves me weary and the movie did not do me any favor. It was boring as hell one of the hopeless romantic sequels people seem to enjoy.

Dragging myself to bed I switch off every light in the house, counter checking the main locks. Scrolling through my messages I reply to only two before drifting off to deep slumber.
I feel something on my waist and the heat I feel behind me makes me know that there is someone behind me. A cold sweat runs down my neck as I am almost paralyzed with fear.

"You're awake" Sebastian speaks breathing on my neck.

"How did you enter?" I ask all the fear in me suddenly leaving my body

"Rebecca called to say you were lonely. Left the key"

Turning to face him, the sheets move and I see him wearing nothing but briefs. 

"What do you want to do?" I ask pressing my ass on his hardness.

"Finishing what we started" he replies kissing my neck.

Sebastian stood at the vast sea of sand as the wind pierced his eyes. The sun was directly above him as a hissing sound made him tremble to his knees. The whip dug so deep that he was sure it pierced his bone. He flung his sword to his right, aiming directly at the sand-dwellers neck. His head fell to the sand as three more came clearer to view.
Taking his gun he shot all three as pain rushed through his nerves. He stood upright, knowing that within minutes he would be paralyzed. The blazing wind grew wilder as he continued his trek down the desert. It has been a month since he set foot in this forsaken place but he feels like it's been close to a year. He has been out of control and he had to train to contain himself, being paid as a hitman. Pushing his body to the limits was the best way to improve.

Tearing the lower base of his shirt, he wraps it across his thigh to stop the poison from seeping any further. Seeing an oasis gives him hope, but he brushes it off quickly, knowing it was nothing but a mirage. It's taken him a while to realize that there is nothing but wilderness out here. Any dream of running to a drop of water has been quickly thrown out of his mind. This is the final test of his training and all he needs to do is to survive. The last tests took him three years to complete and he is now on the fourth.

His mind drifts off to his perfect house with crystal clear water. A luxurious bed and plenty to eat. He licks his dry lips as he thought of the plush feeling of being in between a woman's legs. His eyes began to water as stray sand had made past his eyelashes.

He falls to the ground in agony trying to remove the harsh particles from his eyes. A growl rises in front of him and he quickly reaches for his gun before the carnivore pounces on him.

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