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"You always choose the wrong men!" my father shouts as he walks around.  The maiden was chased out as my father entered with Rehhal.

"First with that bastard Sebastian and now this??? the king of the krahvs??" jots of flames seem to pass through his fingers and I could tell he was beyond angry.

"I thought I killed him at the pit" my father smacks off a painting from the wall.

"didn't we all" Rehhal speaks in a bored and exasperated tone.
I look down at my bare feet, seeing my nail vanish chipping at the corners. I thought of nobody but Sebastian. He betrayed me and I did the same. We're now even.

"She'll go with him" she spoke and my father turned abruptly at her.
"are you mad?" he spoke, his eyes piercing holes in hers
"we both know she's safer there. He won't stop till he gets her, his revenge to you"

My father shook his head "I am the ruler of this realm, he can't manipulate me like this"

"Let her kill them all. Send her there with the whisper. Wipe those sinful flies out"

He looked at me instantly and then outside the horizon. My father was deep in thought for a while before turning to us.

"I'd be killing hundreds of thousands"

Rehhal laughed wickedly before touching my father's hand.

"Show the rest of the realm that you are it's king, and what you will do to whoever opposes"

He caresses my father's back and it hits me that she's the reason behind every evil thing my father has done.

"The Whisper has been missing for years, rumors are that Alec has it"

My father turns again, deep in thought.
He looks at me intently and Rehhal does the same.

"I can't" I say as I take a step behind. "I'm not going to steal from Sebastian's father"

They both laugh as she takes a step towards me, "You brought us into this mess, we won't ask you if it wasn't the only way"

"you won't miss it. It's a map that changes to show a dragon whenever it senses a former master, gold outlines on the drawings" my father speaks and I instantly remember the auction.

"But Sebastian bought it for half a billion dollars"  I mutter loudly finding it the best excuse to not go with the plan.

"Now it's been confirmed Alec has it" Rehhal shakes her head

"it belonged to you the first time you were born. A present from your grandfather" my father adds "It's been stolen from us for centuries. It's rightfully yours"

I pace around rubbing my temple.
"Fix the mess you've created" Rehhal speaks as they both leave the room.

How was I meant to steal from Sebastian. His house is like a freaking fortress. A rush of guilt passes through me as I cringe  at the thought of betraying him.

But he did the same to me.

The door opens and the maiden enters. She looks different from before. Tranquil and elegant as opposed from our previous encounter.
She lays leather at the bottom of my bed with a smile that  seems forced

"is there something your not telling me?Am I making the right choice?" I ask rushing towards her

"tell me before it's too late"

Her eyes seem glisten for a bit only to return to normal.

"I wish you the best your grace"

I look at her bewildered as she leaves the room. She answered none of my questions.

I wear the leather suit, placing in the knives and take the bow and arrow. Putting on the boots I tie my hair up in a ponytail.

Turning to the door I see nobody but the King Krahv. He looks as ravishing as ever, only with a leather shorts strap.
He walks to me and I feel all control lost in me

"Fight for me my Katerina, and give me your whisper" he uses his telepathy and caresses me.
I feel myself nodding submissively agreeing to whatever he ordered me to do.

He grabs a fistful of my hair, kissing me softly. I try to touch him to deepen the kiss but I grab nothing but air. The maiden warned me about him visiting whenever he felt  like but she never told me about him having total control over me.

I shake my head as I tie my hair into a ponytail, walking out of the room. I meet the girl in the hallway  again

"You do know you can teleport" she mutters and I flush in embarrassment.




She's been gone for too long and I fear she's turned to the darkness. Her mother has been sobbing uncontrollably when she came back yesterday muttering Xer, a language used in the underworld Kingdom.

Everyone looked rugged and I turn to leave the sickly cave. She was my everything and she still is, I turn away the thoughts of never seeing her again.

Cruz and the rest follow as I walk out of the cave. I smile at their offer to console me but I don't want them to waste their time on me.

"listen. You can all leave. Go on with your lives. It's the full moon for pits sake, go have a feast"

They look at each other as if coming to an agreement. Cruz comes forward and touches my shoulder. "Now this is the law of the jungle"

"And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper,but the wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk the law runners forth and back" the whole pack growls as I join in 

"...for the strength of the pack is the beast and the strength of the beast is the pack"

I smile as they engulf me in a wolfpack cheer, turning to face the moon. We dwell the night and run, stepping on branches as our bodies turn. Howling in the darkness we run towards fresh prey.

"Remember. We are not cannibals" Cruz says as we all laugh.

He was always the strict one when it came to hunting, always keeping us in check. We split when we find our target. A healthy buck with his team of three.

I halt at the top of a short cliff, watching as the pack silently surrounds our dinner. When everyone is in position I place my right paw releasing a heartwelming howl, the signal to pounce.

"Show off" Cruz telepathically speaks earning an inside grin from me.
I run to the pack, devouring the meat with unsatisfied hunger. It had been long since I last ate in my beast form and the light from the moon made me feel so powerful.

A soft whirl made my ears turn to the sound's direction. I turned my body to the source crawling carefully. The rest noticed as I notice them following me.

They heard it too.

I increased my pace, slowly turning it into a run, soon I was at my house, changing my form when I saw the guards at the gate passed out.
Cruz checked one of their pulse and shook his head. I wiped blood out of my lips and walked to the garage.

Someone has managed to enter the house.

This was a serious issue cause all of them were trained assassins with godly powers.

Whoever entered the area was strong as my father.

Hey guys xx

I'm finally back on Wattpad. I never really thought anyone followed any of my books so I kind of stopped updating. I've seen all your messages and hopefully I'll reply to each and one of them by the end of the day
I'll be posting a new chapter everyday. Thanks for following up. I really appreciate it :)

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