Little more

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The hallways are still the same, people running, the serious ones with books and the reckless ones minding their business. Deep in the song I almost trip on my shoelaces and I bend over to tie them.

Some jerk bumps into me from behind and I turn back almost immediately. He has a rigid look. The kind that hasn't slept for days but still looked sexy. His eyes were gray with gold outlines and looked so mystical. Hair dark and wet, one look made me think I've ever seen him before. Maybe in those underwear model advertisements I drool over with Becky.

 His shirt revealed an outline of a firm chest, making it obvious that he visits the gym regularly.

Darkness comes over me and I was in some sort of hallway alone. There were flames on the walls hanging from horns. The smell of earth and vanilla filled the air and the guy in front of me had turned into my worst nightmare. 

Recurring dreams of a walking shadow haunts me ever since my father died. I've never told anyone about it, even my own mother. As usual, the smell fades and a strong smell of sage mixed with coal fills my nose. 

I feel the air leaving my body as the shadow chants something under its breath. The hot man in my dreams starts fighting with it and for the first time he wins.

"... HEY! HEY!" the guy shakes me from my daze

"Jeez what was that for?" I ask pulling away from his grip, pressing on my temples.

"You were in some sort of trance. Sorry for bumping into you" he furrows his eyes almost looking worried. Everyone was busy with their work as I walk past him. Probably because I turned to look at them.

It can't be. Freaking Sebastian! I wonder why I never saw him right the first time.

"what are you doing here?" I ask turning back to face him.

"What's your name?" He asks.
I pull off him almost immediately "That's none of your business" I reply coldly.

"Don't be rude" he replies with a rueful smile. If perfect had a body and legs it would be this guy 

"I don't know what you want. But stay away from me" I say looking into his bewitching eyes. He has the nerve to show up to my school. What kind of stalker goes to that extent? But I swear this guy is gorgeous enough to be a god.

I walk away and this time fast enough for him not to come after me. I've had way too much boy drama from Nate and I don't want that again. Even if it's Mr perfect eyes, body, face, everything. 

He seems too dangerous and creepy. I've never experienced one of my nightmares in broad daylight especially when I am fully awake.

I finally reach the office and Mrs. Penelope, the Dean, isn't there. Her office is full of wooden furniture, the smell of oak greatly present. Mr Blof our professor, snitched on me to her and so I was to drop the assignments on her desk.

I place the papers on the long dark desk that looked like it had been recently polished. The richness of the wood looked kind of magical. At the back of the office was a small library with bookcases lining two walls. A scarlet dark leather chair stood behind the table, a lamp on it was brass and shaded with amber and gold. Of all the four years I've been in this campus, i've never entered her office before. Anyone who entered ended up being expelled or traumatized. 

I wander around the office admiring the fine paintings on the walls and eye-catchy sculptures. Stopping in front of her desk I see a book written confidential on it. Being more curious than a cat, I take it. Clumsily, I drop it and I bend over to retrieve it. After futile attempts i finally retrieve it. Standing up I turn to see the guy I met earlier looking at my direction. Was he standing there this whole time?

Sebastian's POV*

I open the door only to find the girl of my dreams. She doesn't notice me and almost on cue, bends over.

Trying to clear my head of any sexual thoughts, I think about the darkness of my past. I try not to think about her fading heat on me, her Nirvana top slipping revealing her full tits. I thought about the mountain of books waiting for me at home, and tried not to think about sliding her jeans off her hips to reveal her bent over ass.

I think about cat food... but instead I think about her tits bouncing in my face as she slid up and down on my cock. It wasn't working, I wasn't calming down. 

She turns and blood washes out of her face when she sees me. "i was just umm ..." she says hiding a book from me. I pull my sling bag over my crotch to hide my hard on, licking my dry lips. She reacts to this and I see desire before she turns her head away.

"what are you hiding" I ask and she turns back to me.

Her lips are so seductive and her eyes are so brilliant. I drift off and wonder what that mouth can do.

 "nothing" she says putting the book in her bag. Is she stealing from the dean?

Moving towards her she moves two steps back. I smile when she flushes grabbing the bag harder.

My mother enters as I am about to get close to her.

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