A New Dimension

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I wake up to a sharp ringing sound. My body aches and I'm in some kind of cave.
I see my mother in a room full of unknown people and I finally see Sebastian.
I groan in pain as a sharp jolt runs through my body. He comes to me holding me to his chest. His body temperature shifts when he touches me and when I look up to him I see black veins all over his skin.
I instantly retrieve back pushing him away from him

"Sebastian your hands" his mother warns coming out of the darkness.
He looks at them with a blank expression.
A pain hits me again and again forcing me to cry in agony.

"Honey are you alright?" My mother walks up to me with fear in her eyes.
I look at my pale hands to see the black veins forming.
Some sort of pull makes me to stand up. I cough only for blood to land on my palms.
Everyone in the room looks scared apart from Sebastian.
He comes to me but I dismiss him, walking to the other side of the room.
The ringing sound is still there and I feel too weak.
The pull seems to be coming out of the lighted cave and I walk out.

The night is unusually loud with birds chirping and animals seeming to have conversations with each other.
"Don't close your eyes even once" I turn around to see my mother.
"This happened to your father, don't let the darkness consume you"

I try speaking but blood comes out of my vocal chords instead.
"Its your body reacting to the transition" she says
"But yours seems to be too severe"
I feel weak and tremble to my knees.
My mom whispers something in a foreign language and falls to the ground digging up tree roots from the ground.

I feel some liquid sliding down my cheeks. Wiping it off my face, I realize it's blood , closing my eyes I try to numb the pain.

A whirlwind appears to be in my mind.
The earth seems desolate and I'm in some kind of dimension.  A war zone to be exact. Looking up, crows are everywhere moving towards South. Bucks start racing fast towards me and I realize something is chasing them.  I try to run but I can't seem to move. Everything goes in a slow state as a black mist hovers out of the nearby forest. My breath hitches as the screams pierce my ears. 

Clutching my head I try to shut it off, kneeling in the process. The pain is ten times the ones in my nightmares and I decide enough is enough.  Screaming my lungs out to overcome the screams that torment me, everything finally stops.

Opening my eyes I come face to face with a faceless man. His eyes start to reveal and darkness looms over it.

"my beautiful Katerina. Join me in paradise" it reduces its screech to a normal voice.

He touches my face and warmth passes through my face. Memories replay as I see my mother talking to Sebastian when he was away.

Leo seems to be fighting and drugs me at some point, then taking me across the kitchen counter. The faceless man shows me countless of events Sebastian sleeping with other women.

My mother cutting the brakes of my fathers car, Becky sleeping with Nate when I had traveled.

"No.. No.. No.. It can't be ... those.. Those are lies.. ALL LIES!!" I shout not believing what he's showed me.

I open my eyes to see my real father. The king of the dark realm. The most powerful warlock known to man. He seems harmless, strong but determined.
Looking closely, I resemble him more than my mother, taking after  his rich deep emerald eyes.

"What do you say my Katerina?" He smiles
"Will you join me or go back to the liars"

"I'll do whatever you please"I sob kneeling on the ground.

I felt daggers in my back. Stabbing me countlessly from the ones I love. How? How could they do this to me.

"Good. You will experience power you've never seen before"

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