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I looked around, trying to find the whisper. The house was huge and I got tired of teleporting. The building was like some sort of castle inside. With medieval paintings and artifacts around. Even the lights seem to glow like candles.
If I wanted to find it, I would have to look for Alec himself. As if on cue,I sensed movement and sent two daggers straight at the guards' throats.

"well well well" I hear claps from behind.
Turning to the thundering voice,I'm faced with two spears moving fast towards me. Dodging each one skillfully I smirk only to realize they were tied to ropes. The fibers dig into me, electrocuting me before I tumble to the floor.

They burn my skin, clawing deeper when I try to snap them off. This was now my Kryptonite; making me weak at each touch.
Two words,
Black Magic.

I look up to see my mother with a man. She looked like she cried for an entire night, her eyebags no longer looking like designer.
The man has similar features with Sebastian and I instantly knew he was Alec.

I cry in pain as I feel the poison seeping in my veins, I snap my hands instantly teleporting out of there. I land in some sort of hallway, painfully cutting out the rope with a dagger from my boots.


The familiar voice hits me as I fall on my knees. Screeching is all I hear before Sebastian stands in front of me.
This was it.
This was the dungeon I always had recurring nightmares in.

My whole body felt like ice and my chest was becoming heavy. He held me in his arms before letting me go.
"one day"
I furrow my eyes in confusion. Wondering what on earth he was talking about.

"you leave me for one day and you've already fucked another"

I open my mouth to try to explain but my throat feels clogged. My jaw clams shut as I whimper in pain. This was honestly not the time.

I hear a whip lash as he falls on the ground. Looking up I see the Krahv with black veins all over his body.The poison was affecting him too.
I try to stand up as the two men fight, Sebastian throwing hard blows. By the looks of it, he knew the Krav was the one I slept with.

Closing my eyes I try to make myself heal faster but the pain gets much stronger. My vision was now gone and I could barely feel my feet. This was definitely a bad idea.


I continue trying to increase my healing process, ignoring the strange voice that occasionally called my name. It was no longer a screech but a soft voice with a soothing baritone.
My mind felt like it was being dug into. I screamed in agony as my whole body quivered.
Healing myself felt like I was destroying every atom in my body.
The world went silent and I opened my eyes gasping for air.

My vision came back hard, I felt as if I could see a speck of dust resting on the ceiling. I stand up, we were not the only people present in this dark place.

Sebastian was now a full grown beast with glowing yellow eyes. He clawed at the Krav but the king healed in seconds. The fight wasn't going anywhere, both of them were fast, self-healed and had powerful hits.
The only thing that helped Sebastian win was the spells he occasionally cast.

The whole room was filled with electric jolts and my healing process had thankfully finished by then. I woke up dodging each and everything thrown at me. Killing anyone that crosses my path.

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