Play me a memory

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I haven't talked to Sebastian in a week as I practically run away from him.

He's a player and I want nothing to do with him, especially after the encounter in the woods. I'll get my revenge, but for now I need to tend to my mental wounds. I can't stop myself from thinking about him.

"Have you been ignoring me Ms. Brooke?" 

My heart almost stops. That's it I'm dying today. Shaking my head I regain my confidence. I'm not going to let him win.

"Like I told you before. I'm not interested"

I clutch my books closer to my chest. Which I regret cause it only puts the attention on my chest.

 "If you like me why don't you say it?"

"I don't" I say and he lifts his eyebrows in question.

"fine can we be friends?"

"I'm going to be late for class"

"uh. same" he replies and we head to the lecture hall in complete awkwardness.

Reaching class right before the lecturer enters, there's only two seats available. One at the middle and the other at the far end. 

He heads to the one at the end and I have no choice but to sit in the middle. If it was not for our conversation I would be sitting somewhere else.  I don't like sitting where everyone can see me.

"Kate would you like to show us your presentation" the lecturer announces and I internally whimper.
I won the photo competition and my photos were regarded as the best in the state. I put my hair in a ponytail before I head to the podium. Feigning  courage, I begin my slideshow.
As I present my slides and explain the photo resolutions and criteria, I notice Sebastian taking photos of me.

I finally finish and ask for questions. 

No one? Good.

"Why didn't you take the photo on a 90° perspective like the rest of your photos?" Sebastian asks 

"Excuse me?"
He stands up this time "On your last photo ,the Shelby 1967 mustang at the bottom of the cliff"

"I felt like the 65 degrees best suited the situation" I reply coldly
"But it would've looked better at a 90 degrees, considering how the rest were" he says and the class nods in agreement.

"Sir if you wish to take your own photos and present them be free to do so" I reply as the class goes awfully quiet.

My throat clenches as I remember that fateful day. Collecting my things I manage to get out of the lecture hall with tears threatening to fall.

In about two minutes I reach my car and I can literally feel my heart in my throat. I ran as fast as I could, not wanting to have anyone see me cry. I sit behind the car on the pavement, tears streaming down my face.

My dad.

His car was found wrecked at the bottom of the cliff and my dad's body located 3 meters away.
When I saw his body, my eyes were on 65 degrees, as I was only 12 and short.

"You have some pair of swift legs Katerina" I look up only to find Sebastian

"How did you find me?" I ask looking away. not wanting him to see my tears.

"The black Shelby on your photo" he replies looking at my car. "I guessed it had to have some history"

He sits right next to me, scrolling through his camera as I manage to wipe my eyes

"Look at how great you look" he says as he shows me the photos he took of me presenting.

He stares into my eyes and I swear it's like he's looking directly in my soul. He wipes a tear on my cheek and cups my chin.

"I wanted you the minute I saw you" he whispers.

My throat is dry and I can't say anything. 

"Give me your number Kate". I turn to my bag and submissively give him my phone.

Stupid,stupid girl.

He dials his number and calls his phone.
Call on me by Eric Prydz plays and I manage to smile.

"That song is like a decade long" 

"Since when do songs have expiry dates?" he laughs. Students start to come out to the parking, as he saves his number.

"About the other night, I hated the fact you wanted to end your life so drastically with the truck. You pissed me off when you beat my sister in front of my eyes"

"wha.. I didn't... I'm so..."

"See you later" he stands up not once looking back at me. He walks away as guilt spreads steadily across my body. I really didn't think they were related.

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