Chapter 18

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Today's Halloween and everyone is excited. School is decorated and music is blasting everywhere.
Its 9 pm and the Halloween party is not even at its peak. One more week and Sebastian will be with me.
I'm alone in some corner drinking lemonade in a party cup. Becky is somewhere shagging Cruz and so is Ryan and his boyfriend. I know, this situation is sadder than when my goldfish died.
I throw the lemonade away as i inhale the thick smell of a mixture of drugs and peoples's perfumes. I grab a full bottle of vodka and down almost half of it. My throat burns as i feel my eyes water. Dancing to the electro music playing, i let out my hair smiling effortlessly. The Dj switches the music and begins to play medieval music. People leave the dance floor and the ones dressed for the topic remain. Waves of light is all i can see and i've never felt more alive. Numerous sensations pass through me and a blond guy asks for my hand. I agree instantly after he kisses my hand. I feel someone watching me and as I turn behind I see almost the whole room looking.

It was as if i was meant for the dance as i laugh heartily dancing to the beautiful music. I feel the intense gaze as i continue dancing and the girls and boys separate themselves. We dance as the the boys watch us, sensually holding each other. I laugh as i notice almost all the boys looking at me and bite my lip unconsciously. My inner slut had been awakened and i won't end the night with a little bit of fun. As the girls dispatched to their respective dancers a hand grabbed my waist

His wearing an eye mask and dressed like a prince. His golden eyes made me know it was him. I crave to kiss him but he turns around and walks away. I follow him sheepishly never leaving my eyes off him.

My mind constantly shifts to another world.


Giant hallway.

People laughing. Music playing

Follow him I hear

Lights flashing.

He enters a room and I enter, closing the door behind me.
He turns removing his jacket and sword.
I run to him and he carries me.
He places me down and stares directly into my eyes.
"Hi" he says
"Hi" I reply
Pushing me to the desk he kisses me tenderly slowly increasing the want.

"I missed you" he says as he removes the knot on my burst area. He kisses my neck slowly removing my dress.

Cupping my butt he carries me to the couch slowly kissing me.
"I missed you more" I say as I unbuckle his belt and remove his pants.

His hardness makes me bite my lip, I miss feeling it inside me.

I sit up and making us face to face, removing his shirt as he removes my bra. Standing up as he removes his briefs and I remove my panties.

I don't know if it was the vodka or his new scent but i've never wanted him this bad.
I sit on him, kiss him hard. He slowly goes down, paying equal attention to each of my breasts.

I grab his thickness and slowly place it in me. He goes up to kiss me and I ride him.
Grabbing my waist he guides me to his tempo. Fast, slow then fast.

The intensity fills me as he enters deep in me.
I moan with passion pulling my head behind making my tits in his full view.
Thrust after thrust I feel myself tightening.
A sharp air leaves his clenched teeth as he softly moans

"fuck you feel so good"
Our body heat complete each other, I never want him to stop.

We find our release and I'm left in fulfillment. I place my head on his shoulder making us body to body. He slips out of me and I whimper.

After a few minutes I stand up and wear my dress.
As I'm fully clothed Sebastian comes behind me and pulls me to him. My mood instantly changes when i remember the weird ordeal i had in the mall
"Cruz is your brother" I say
He let's go of me and heads to take his sword and jacket shuffling his hair. "yeah he is" 

"And you didn't tell me this because?"

"because your mother is the one to tell you everything"

"you know nothing about my mom so ..."

"I know far much about your mom than you've ever known. Same to you. It wasn't a coincidence we met"

He said the words with a tone of anger. "wait. So you're trying to tell me you coming to this school and bumping into me was a plan?"

"yes" he says never leaving my eyes

i sarcastically laugh 


hoping what he was saying was a lie and i wasn't in some sort of a game.

"your nightmares, the shadow, your father dying"

"You know nothing about my father!" i snap "stop talking like you know my whole life!"

He sighs, clenching his jaw "There's so much i want to tell you but i can't"

"You can't or you wont" i say spitting the words like fire

He turns his back to the window and then to me. "Fuck it" 

Raising his hands he points them at me and i feel the air leaving my lungs. Seconds later i'm body to body with him and he breathes a gray, silvery mist into my mouth and a sharp pain hits my chest.

I see my mom and miss Penelope talking to each other in my mom's study. The environment drifts and their dressing keeps on changing as if showing different time periods. I see myself with Becky, Ryan and Nina laughing. Everything instantly changes and they're in a funeral with a portrait of myself on a coffin. The black shadow is there standing next to my dead self. 

A sharp pain hits my head and i see Sebastian and Cruz changing in different time periods and ends with a portrait of Sebastian on a coffin and the shadow doing the same thing. The environment drifts off and its Sebastian and i in steamy sessions. On a rock, great hall, cave, water, ship and it cuts. My mother talking to the shadow, begging it, crying but it sways past her and onto me and Sebastian killing us both.

I gasp as i open my eyes,  Sebastian's eyes piercing mine. He says nothing as he assists me to sit down. My head feels heavy and i feel dizzy. Recurring questions run through my mind

How? how? and how?

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