Chapter 14

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"You two are animals together"
Becky says as she comes back in her PJs
"I mean I leave you two for less than 12 hours and you leave marks on the boy and he leaves you barely walking"

"I do my best" I laugh and grab the remote
He unleashes my inner beast.
I laugh at the thought.
Becky goes to the fridge and takes out ice cream

"I'm starting without you" I say as I put Netflix
"Don't you dare Kate ! I will skin you alive if you do"
She comes holding a bowl full of popcorn
"You either win or you die" she says
"Let the Game of Thrones begin" I reply

Five hours later we're still at it.
Admiring, judging and fantasizing characters.
Down Under starts playing and I know its my phone.
I pick it up
*Kate why don't you pick up your calls*
"I'm sorry mother I've just been busy"
*Nina and I are coming in a month's time. Hoping the house we bought we'll be big enough*
"It's a gigantic mansion mom. I'm sure its too big for the word enough"
*Frederick and I divorced*
Her voice changes
"What?! Why? You two were perfect for each other"
*He left me for a woman with a crooked nose*
"I'm sorry mom. I understand. Some men need to leave their diamonds to go collect rocks as they don't deserve the diamonds"
*Thank you sweetie. We'll talk later. I'll tell you when we reach.Goodbye love*
I laugh
"You're welcome. Okay. Goodbye mom. Love you"
I hang up

"Do you have to talk so loud on the phone" Becky laughs
"I mean practically everyone around heard you"

"Oh shut up" I throw a pillow at Becky and it hits the bowl in the process making it spill over.
"You're going to clean that up"
Becky says
"On whose orders?" I ask
"Mine" she answers
"That will only happen in your dreams" I laugh
Before I know it Becky stands up and holds my head forcefully.

"Fuck it Becky. Don't make me do it again!" I shout
She places my head on the carpet and forces me to eat the popcorn.
I can't do this.
Pulling her hand I yank her in front and do a flip. Making me tug her under me.
"Fuck" Is all she manages to say
I take a handful of popcorns from the floor and put them in her mouth
"Revenge is sweet" I laugh

Just then the bell rings.
"Pizzzzaaa is heeereee!" I shout and head to the door.
I open the door, its Cruz and Sebastian.
Before I could greet them I find myself heading to the floor.
Fucking Becky hit me with a pillow on my head.

"Revenge is sweet" Becky shouts before I pass out.

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