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The trip to the airport is too slow.

I want to get it over and done with.

In the car I put Kate's favorite song Are you with me by Lost Frequencies.

I couldn't look back at her.
I knew if I did, I'd bring her with me. One look at her face would have made me break.

I take my thoughts to when I met her.  How I fell in love for the first time.
She made me forget all the worries I had before.
Two more months I'll see her again
Her smile. Her eyes, her laugh
Jeez man stop acting like a sissy

"Are you okay Prince?"Hernandez asks me and i drift back to reality
"No" I say as I get out of the car.
My jet is strategically positioned. Men follow me behind from their cars and stop at the entrance.
I enter with Hernandez two more bodyguards following me behind.

This is too much

"Why so gloomy bro?" Cruz asks me 

"i don't know. Maybe it's cause we're lying to them" i snap

"oh come on Seb since when do you feel guilty of lying?" 

"she's going to freak when she finds out. And i don't want to be the one she hates"

"look i'll never tell Becky that we're brothers. And that meeting them was a plan. Same thing to you and Kate"

I stare at the plane's ceiling for a while "my eyes turned gold"

everyone makes weird faces when i turn back to look at them and faint expressions of shock are still present on their faces.

I stand up and enter one of the rooms of the jet. Cruz walks in closing the door. "When was this?" he asks as i drink straight from the bottle

"last night. Katherine saw" 

"but ... but ..." 

"BUT WHAT!?" I throw a glass at the wall of the plane "I'm fucked Cruz. She's brought out my blood thirst self. I'll kill anyone, anything and you know that. I'm fucked. I'll kill Kate if she doesn't get her powers. Heck i even fucked her to oblivion"

Cruz laughs "it's not funny!" i say in a roar. 

He sits down "relax. we'll figure out something. If not mother will. Just avoid her for a few months"

"Tell me something new" i sit trying to calm down

The plane starts shaking and the sirens go off

"what the hell?" Cruz asks digging into the seats. I smile looking out of the window. We're closer to the Island that we've call home for centuries.

"that, my brother. Is father telling us his not happy with you being here" i take a sip  

"After all. You did sleep with one of his wives"

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