Chapter 15- Problem

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Ziva's POV:

Tony, Jimmy, Tim and I sit in the desks in silence, pondering over what happened.

Hearing footfalls, we all look to the landing above to see Eleanor running from the hall. Her breaths are uncontrollably shaky as she fumbles down the staircase, using the banister to balance herself. Tear streaks stain her face as new tracks shoot down her cheeks. Tripping on the last step, she lands on her knees but gets up as if nothing happened. Tony rushes over to help her up, but she's already moving by the time he reaches her. A sob escapes her quavering mouth while she leans against the elevator button.

"Ellie! That's not true! There's nothing wrong with you!" Jack hollers from the top of the steps, and I get the feeling letting Bishop leave isn't a good idea. Palmer and I dash to her at the same time the elevator doors open and she collapses in. The doors close just as I run into the cool metal.

"D**n." I mutter.

Tim runs for the steps and everyone follows. The custodians are cleaning, and after maneuvering around all of the machines, Tim looks out the door.

"She's gone." He calls up "But-"

"Who's gone, McGee?" Gibbs asks, entering the stairwell.

"Gibbs is here." McGee finishes, and everyone enters the bullpen again.

"Who's gone, McGee?!" Gibbs asks again, and I glance at Sloane, worried.

"Um, Ellie."

Gibbs' face sets into an angry position. "What did he do?"

"He didn't do anything!" Tim replies, defensive of his near brother.

"It's really complicated, Boss. He found out about Jake and walked away, but then went back." Tony explains.

"And Bishop told him she needs someone who's willing to talk through their problems and not just leave, so she broke up with him without breaking up with him." Jimmy continues.

"She kissed him, then fled to my office. She was a wreck when I got there, but we broke down the problem, and she realized with both Nick and Jake there were communication problems." Jack finishes, true fear in her voice. "I wanted to get to a point where she recognized they needed to communicate more, but she really spun the conversation. She said there's something wrong with her, that she's been the problem the whole time."

"That's horrible!" I say, shocked by Ellie's reaction.

"Did she say where she's going?" Gibbs asks.

"I don't think you understand, Gibbs. The speed at which she changed the situation into self bullying? It's not natural. I think there's a deeper problem." Jack looks at everyone, extreme worry in her eyes.

"I think she might be suffering from depression. And with self negativity that strong, along with feeling she has no one to turn to? She's in a really bad state, Gibbs. Ellie could do some serious damage to others, or harm to herself."

"We have to find her!" Tim yells, and he begins tracking her phone. "S**t. She turned it off. I can't get a signal."
What a drama Queen lol

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