Chapter 27- Stay

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1 hour later:

I bite my lips in frustration. I can't find anything suspicious or out of the ordinary in Jacobi Clark's emails. He doesn't do anything. He's got virtually no friends. 90% of his emails consist of spam advertising.

I take a deep breath in and look away from the computer. Squinting, I blink a few times. My vision had gone momentarily blurry. Ellie was nothing but a blonde dot. After a few seconds, I can see normally again. I must have been staring at the computer screen too long. That would make sense since I have a headache anyway.

"I found something!" McGee exclaims and we crowd around his desk.

Whoa. Now I'm dizzy. Ellie swings her arm out to steady me, but I can see in her eyes that she's feeling off too.

"Torres, you okay?" Gibbs asks, and I nod.

"Um, okay..." Tim turns back to his computer. "So, when Clark worked with Jake at the NSA, they had a secretary named Melinda Dooley. She got arrested 4 years ago for drug trafficking, and Clark left the NSA a year after that. It turns out they were dating, but Clark sold her out to the police when they came to investigate the drugs. He filed a restraining order against her last week."

"Why? Isn't she still in prison?" Ellie asks.

"She got out 9 days ago for good behavior." McGee replies.

"So we've got a person and motive. What about opportunity?" I mention, and feel the blood rush to my head. My hands fly to Ellie's shoulder and Tim's desk. I sense Ellie stumble slightly under the pressure, then feel a strong pair of arms under mine.

"Let's go." Gibbs supports me to the elevator. He presses the button down to autopsy. While waiting for the elevator to arrive, he calls back to the desk.

"Bishop! McGee! Find Dooley!"

The elevator doors slide open and Jake is standing there.

"Melinda Dooley? I know where she is." He says and everyone stares at him in amazement.

"I told you to stay in the conference room!" Gibbs barks.

"I needed to use the bathroom."

"Bishop. Go." Gibbs calls back after a few seconds, partially apologetically. Jake clears out of the elevator and let's Gibbs and I through and down to Autopsy.

I want to argue with Gibbs and say McGee should go, but I don't have the strength to string two words together.

Ellick "Painless"Where stories live. Discover now