Chapter 34- Forgotten

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Ellie's POV: 1:02 am

I gasp in a breath of icy air and bolt upright. As everything around me sets in, so does the panic. I can't see anything. It's all dark, no lights, no movement, no nothing.

Did I go blind? I can't be blind! My life would never be the same!

Wait... my eyes adjust to the darkness and I am able to make out faint shapes.

Where am I? What happened? I can't remember anything!

I try with all my will to think of my last memory.

Anger, I remember that. Glass, a window maybe? And a warmth. Not like warm from the sun, it's a more condensed, closer heat. A person. A man, his arm across my shoulders as I watch 2 more men talk on the other side of a window. An interview? No, it's looks more upsetting, like an interrogation or something.


That one word brings it flooding back. My ex husband, my new boyfriend, a murder case! That's it! And that must be why I'm in the woods! I can tell that much because I can make out the figures of a trees a few feet away, and the chirping of nighttime animals.

But why would I need to be in the woods for a murder case?

I feel like I'm still missing something. Trying again, I attempt to redraw my path. I can't remember anything more recent than the interrogation. There must be something really important in between then and now that happened.

Shouldn't I be with my partner?

I have to move on from that and try to find my way out. Even if I ruin a mission, I have to get out. I'm no good to the team with helping on the assignment if I can't remember what it is.

Taking a deep breath, I look around. Only then do I feel the pain throughout my body. My sight seems blurry still. Am I even in a forest or am I by one tree and just seeing double?

I try to stand, but my ankle gives way and I came crashing back down again.

A grunt escapes my lips as my head hits a rock.

The blood trickles through my fingers as I try to apply pressure. Now I'm definitely not seeing straight.

I can't move. I can't even see 5 feet in front of me! I'm just going to get myself lost, then no one will be able to help me. I'm better off just staying put.

My eyes close as I pray Nick will rescue me.

Ellick "Painless"Where stories live. Discover now