Chapter 55- Texting

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I order a pizza and try to put the place back together while I wait. It doesn't go too well since I'm not very mobile right now, and I end up just clearing off the bed and couch.

The doorbell rings and I pay for the pizza. It's about 7:00, so Jack should be getting out of work soon.

Eating a slice of pizza at one of his barstools, my phone chimes and I see it's a text from Jack.

J: He didn't say yes to the bar.

E: What????

J: We're riding back to his place

E: ooooohhhh I see

J: no! Not like that! He wants to eat steak and watch tv and he said I could join him.

E: improvising. Nice

J: 🙄😁

E: 😏😏😏

I put down my phone, happy for her. She deserves to have a crazy night. I'm not sure how crazy it'll get with Gibbs, but he does make a good steak. Jack isn't exactly known for her wild habits, I'm glad she's living more in the moment now.

Sighing, I put my phone down. I wish Nick was here. It's just be nice to have some company, knowing Jack can't come over now. If she had gotten rejected she probably would have stayed the night. But I'm relieved she didn't get turned down, that would have been horrible.

But it does leave me all alone. Alone time is good time though. I can't remember the last time I had happy alone time.

I decide to make the best of the night and go to Nick's bookshelf. I'm not too surprised when all the books I see are about exercising or eating healthy, so I end up flopping back on his couch, flipping through Netflix.

I choose Legally Blonde.

Ha. I'll show Melinda what a blonde can do.

It's on in the background as I scroll through TikTok. When I get to the part where she's determined to smarten up, I get a text.


N: You awake?

E: yeah, why?

N: I just wanted to say hi

E: hey

N: hey

E: what're you doing

N: sneaking my phone into my room

E: sneaking?

N: McGee snuck it through the window

E: seriously?

N: yep

E: aren't you on the second floor??

N: McGee and tony*

E: see if you had said Tony I would have believed you from the start

N: ha yeah
N: so what about you

E: Netflix and TikTok

N: cool

E: Jack and Gibbs are on a date

N: what???

E: yeah, I set it all up

N: geez babe you've been out of the hospital for 10 hours!

E: that's 10 romances

N: I guess you're slacking

E: must be

N: where'd they go?

E: his place

N: ...🤭

E: 🔥🥩📺

N: oh
N: still
N: could lead to something

E: you have a dirty mind Nicholas Torres

N: hey, I was thinking of expanding to ribs instead of steak, idk what you were thinking

E: yeah right you were

N: it's not my fault if your mind lead you there

E: you are so stupid sometimes

N: but you love stupid

E: on some people

N: on me?

E: definitely

N: so you're saying you....

E: I love you

N: yeahhhhh I love you too baby

I smile and put my phone down.

Ellick "Painless"Where stories live. Discover now