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Once Kiara excused herself and left Valentino and I at the door I asked him about Marco's body.

"È fatta, signore, e la sua famiglia riceverà la somma forfettaria."
(It's done, sir, and his family will receive the lump sum.)

"Assicurati che anche il funerale sia pagato. Era un brav'uomo solo stupido in bocca. Stasera bisognava fare un esempio."
(Make sure the funeral is paid for as well. He was a good man just stupid in the mouth. Tonight it was necessary to give an example.)

"Sì signore, ho capito. La Lady Romano non può essere presa alla leggera o irrispettosa."
(Yes sir, I understand. The LadyRomano cannot be taken lightly or disrespectfully.)

"Giusto perché ci sono conseguenze per ogni azione."
(Right because there are consequences for every action.) He nodded in agreement. I've noticed Kiara's calm demeanor when around Valentino. Surely it's not his job to make her feel comfortable simply to keep her safe at all costs even if it may cost him his life but it isn't necessarily a bad thing either.

"DARIO DARIO!" Kiara's voice called out to me.
Out of the blue the room was sprayed with bullets. Valentino and myself wasted no time in running towards it with our guns in hand. I couldn't understand how this was possible. I covered the entire floor with my men and even the roof because we were on the top floor. I prepared for anything and this still happened. It didn't make any sense to me. No one could've gotten inside here so the bullets must be coming from outside. The shooters are most likely on the roof of another building but if that's the case why haven't my men on the roof killed them as yet unless they got them first. There were so many bullets everyone was still down for cover and it's only then did I remember Kiara was here with us.


"VALENTINO GET KIARA NOW!" He wasted no time on a response and swiftly ran towards the kitchen taking a bullet in the shoulder in the process. A few seconds later the lights were switched off and the bullets died down probably so they could reload.

I demanded more men to head to the roof while I told two to find an opening near the windows in an attempt to gun down the shooters. The men on this floor all had handguns but I had two M107 guns in the walk-in closet. The two men I instructed to find an opening were two of our best snipers and they had knowledge of the guns in the closet so they knew what needed to be done.

I ran into the kitchen and saw what I could make out of Valentino holding Kiara bridal style. It didn't take words for me to figure out that she had been hit.

Without any words we left the room just in time before the shooting began again. While walking down the hall the remaining four of my men who were instructed to secure the floor no matter were well on guard. You see had they left their position anyone could've attacked us from the inside and we would've been compromised.

"Ci serve l'ospedale più vicino. Andiamo."
(We need the nearest hospital. Let's go)

Making our way to the emergency exit Lorenzo was already waiting on us. We quickly piled into the SUV and pulled off.
We have been waiting here for hours and it's beginning to frustrate me. We haven't received a single update since the doctors rushed Kiara in. She had lost so much blood on the way. My men from the hotel had arrived a short while ago confirming they killed the men from the attack and that they were indeed De Lucas men which means they followed us. What really bothered me is them knowing our moves, which country we were going, what hotel we stayed at and even the room. I hated thinking it but it seemed we may very well have a traitor in our midsts.

"Family of Kiara Romano." Valentino and I be stood immediately. My men had secured the floor so it was only us here and the rest stayed guarding the hotel exit doors and the vehicles. I wasn't having a repeat of tonight this soon.

"Kiara is fine, she's alive. The bullet had an exit wound so the good thing is there was no bullet to extract."

"And what's the bad thing?" I knew it was coming. She was beating around the bush by giving the good news first.

"What is it!?" I demanded an answer.

"Unfortunately, the bullet pierced right though her stomach and she also lost alot of blood. I'm very sorry but we were unable to save her child."

"Excuse me?" I had no knowledge of Kiara being pregnant. I wondered if she knew or not but that's not what bothered me. I haven't touched my wife at all. The last time we had sex she was still pregnant. Then she gave birth and I gave her some time because she needed her body to fully heal. I was being nice, lenient and apparently naive too. The fact that she was pregnant meant one thing only. My wife had sex with another man. That infuriated me enough to kill everyone on this floor. I clutched my gun ready to shoot the nurse square in her head but Valentino stopped me by literally grabbing my arm. The death glare I shot him would have been enough for anyone to quiver in fear but not him. He held his ground and nodded in disapproval. I won't have this kind of restraint if I see Kiara's face now not even with her in a hospital bed.

"Stay here." I instructed leaving the hospital entirely with Kiara's safety in Valentino's hands. I could kill anything in my path right now.


I woke up feeling truly and utterly scared for my life

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I woke up feeling truly and utterly scared for my life. It wasn't because I woke up in a hospital because I knew why I was here. I had woken up before. I remembered being shot at and the thought of these men coming to finish the job didn't even scare me at the moment. What frightened me to the core though was the realization that hit me when those God awful words left the nurses mouth when I was last conscious. "We couldn't save the baby" she had said but truthfully who was going to save me?

I had made sure Dario had not touched me at all and I still became pregnant? Common sense may not be as common as it once was but I definitely still got it. I had sex with a man Sergio and got pregnant. I was carrying Sergio's baby while sleeping in Dario's bed at night. I was almost killed while carrying Sergio's child in my stomach. If that wasn't enough to scare the living shit out of me, just knowing that Dario would find out about this somehow had my heart beating frantically. There's no telling if the nurse herself already told him at all and no way of asking right now as I woke up to an empty room.

Then there's the other thing that's bothering me. I mean it's literally eating me up from the inside. I just lost another baby. I can bring myself to wail for the loss of the child I will never meet but that didn't stop the tears from leaving my eyes. I felt hurt and it was a pain even worse than the bullet that pierced through me. Whose sins am I really paying for because they sure as hell aren't mine.

Had I not lost my baby maybe I would've still ended up losing my life instead because surely Dario would not stand for it. What would I have even done? Run away with Sergio—Dario's associate? The thought alone is preposterous especially since I don't even know the man. It was a one time thing and I'm about to pay for it I just know it.

The door swung open and the one person I didn't want to see walked right in with a mean on his face. If looks could kill I would not be breathing right now.

School started so updates bout to be a bit slow🥲

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