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"Che cazzo ti aspettavi? per me entrare qui e gridare congratulazioni?"(What the fuck did you expect? for me to come in here and shout congratulations?)

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"Che cazzo ti aspettavi? per me entrare qui e gridare congratulazioni?"
(What the fuck did you expect? for me to come in here and shout congratulations?)

"Tieni bassa la voce"
(Keep your voice low)

"Perché ? Hai paura che la tua cagna americana possa spalancare la porta? Dio sa che vorrei che lo facesse."
(Why ? Are you afraid that your American bitch might throw the door open? God knows I wish she would.)

"What do you want Milana ?"

"I want for you to tell me why I'm hearing that you are marrying that bitch Dario when you were promised to me !?"

"That is my father's fault so whatever issue you have take it up with him."

"Is this a joke to you? Look Dario my parents are furious but I'm sure if you explain that this is just a misunderstanding all will be forgiven."

"I am not looking for any forgiveness Milana. Now I suggest you take your leave before you get your feelings hurt any further."

"Are you kidding me ? Wtf does she have that I don't !? She isn't good for you Dario-

"Neither are you now the next time I ask you to leave you'll get a bullet with it."

"Te ne pentirai" she spat before exiting my office.
(You will regret it)


"Cosa sta succedendo? Da dove viene quel rumore?"( What is happening? Where does that noise come from?)I questioned Camila.

"Non lo so. Viene dal piano di sotto"(I do not know. It comes from downstairs) She said exiting the room. Ofcourse I followed her. We got downstairs and realised it sounded like a woman arguing. Luckily for my new italian speaking skills I was understanding the little that I could her. The noise was apparently coming from Dario'a office. I know he doesn't want me going to his office unless he requests it but I really wanted to know what was happening so against my better judgement and Camila telling me to let it be I reached for the door just as it swung open and I was met with a beautiful Italian woman. Funny enough I thought she resembled Camila.

"Di tutte le cose in cui mi devo imbattere"(Of all the things I have to run into) she said with an attitude.

"Mi scusi?"(Excuse me)

"Vedo che Dario ha insegnato l'italiano al suo animale domestico.Che diavolo stavi facendo, origliando?" She asked
(I see that Dario taught his pet Italian. What the hell were you doing, eavesdropping?)

"Non c'era bisogno, considerando che la tua voce poteva essere ascoltata dal piano di sopra" I firedback.
(There was no need, considering your voice could be heard from upstairs)

"Oh you're a feisty little bitch aren't you?' She asked walking closer to me like I would be intimidated or something. I held my ground.

"What the fucc is your problem ?"

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