Chapter 3 - Worry

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to Watch over me

Chapter 3 – Worry

No One's POV

Even though Jade knew she had left Tori safely in her bed, she still worried. Jade wasn't used to being worried about anything or anyone, the sunrise being the major exception. As soon as she got up, she walked to the window in her luxury penthouse and looked out over the city. It was about 8:30 in the evening and Jade knew that Tori would be at work.

Jade tried to relax for a bit, taking time to sit in a big leather chair and do some reading. Over the years Jade had grown to be rather fond of reading. In her penthouse she had a whole room with shelves of books ceiling to floor. Though she preferred horror and suspense, Jade would read just about anything if it kept her interest. Books passed the time and allowed Jade to be something she was not. She had been a vampire for several millennia and now a days she would just want to be something else for a bit of time.

Tonight, she was reading Mickey Spillane's 1952 detective novel Kiss me deadly. Jade had seen the 1955 movie and thought it was classic film noir movie. The ending where woman opens the case was her personal favorite part. She had decided to read the original book to see how different it was. Next to her on a table, was a glass of blood from her refrigerator. Jade had bought a slaughter-house some years ago and due to that had a near infinite supply of animal blood. Jade did hunt occasionally anyway, just for the fun of it.

Though the book did keep her interest, it only kept half her interest. The other half being firmly fixed on Tori Vega. Jade kept looking at the clock to see if it got closer to 12:30 so she could see.

Tossing the book down at about 11 she turned on the nightly news, to pass the time. There was nothing particularly new or special about the news. No mention of last night incident, which reminded jade she had to dispose of the body before she went to see Tori.

Upon getting home earlier, Jade stashed it in a locked freezer in her private parking garage.

As she watched, one headline caught her attention.

"Now missing for just over 3 weeks, Police have still no leads into the disappearance of socialite Cassie Hartwell. As you may remember, Miss Hartwell was out with some friends the night of the 3rd and was last seen leaving the exclusive Essen nightclub. Her father Hedge fund manager Brent Hartwell has set up a reward for information leading to her recovery. Channel 5 news interviewed today her boyfriend Todd Samuels who's still very worried for her safety."

The channel went on to show the young and very handsome man saying how much he missed Cassie and pleaded for her safe return.

"I was going to keep this a secret, but I had already bought this one carat diamond engagement ring and was going to ask her to marry me. So, who ever has Cassie, please return her so I can spend my life with her."

Jade couldn't help but laugh hysterically. "One Caret....One Caret. Oh my god this is so funny. She was going to so dump your ass, Todd. Now every woman in New York sees you looking all heartbroken and will want to mend your shattered heart, that and screw your brains out.. Your phone's going to be ringing off the hook, believe me. Todd. I did you a huge favor."

Jade turned off the TV, figuring nothing could top that very funny story. Figuring she needed to start her night, Jade dressed casually. Biker boots, faded blue jeans, A rolling stones t-shirt and a well-worn black leather biker jacket.

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