Chapter 21 - Chance Encounters

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 21 – Chance encounters.

Tori's POV

No one's POV

Tori and Jade had been living together for several months now. At Jade's insistence Tori continued her studies and things between them were going well. Jade endlessly doted on her lover, treating her like a queen. Tori of course doted on Jade just as much.

During this time, often Jade would ask Tori to sing for her. Tori of course did so gladly and she found her singing would often bring Jade out of some of her darkest moods. In this time, Tori got to know the various people in Jade's immediate employ. There was one person, Simon who delivered the blood each week. There was Sarah, a former Marine who served as the head of security in Jade's building. Jade had a business manager, named Cheng, who was based in Hong Kong. Finally, Jade had what she called a concierge, named Lydia, who would run day to day errands and make any arrangements she needed to do in the day. Jade had told Tori each was well paid and hypnotized to ensure their loyalty.

Jade was an extremely private person and rarely had visitors. Lydia, would occasionally drop something off Jade had wanted or needed, but she didn't linger. Once her business was done, she'd leave. Simons visits were always brief. He'd placed the blood in a refrigerator and leave.

Jade even showed Tori the office she used to run her business empire. It had computers, monitors with financial data, fax machines and anything else one would need to run a business. Jade even spent some time showing Tori, how she ran her business's and taught her some basic's on buying and selling stocks.

They took long evening winters walk in the park, ate at restaurants all over town, saw Broadway shows and enjoyed all life had to offer. But most importantly they just enjoyed being with each other. Once in a while when Tori felt like being just a bit closer to Jade would offer her blood to Jade. Jade each time accepted and took a small drink. But Tori quickly noticed that Jade would never actually ask her to do it. Jade always took the resulting burst of energy and used it to bring Tori to the heights of pleasure.

Still there were bumps in the road as there are in any relationship. Jade had a darker nature and it would come to the surface on occasion. Some nights she would be moody and sullen for no real reason at all. Sometimes it would show up as a rather morbid sense of humor. Occasionally Jade would fondly reminisce about killing someone who the misfortune to annoy her. The only death that ever seemed to bother Jade, was that of her own son.

Once in a while when they were out a clerk at a store or some person on the street would treat Tori rudely. A rather murderous look would then quickly form in Jade's eyes. Tori had learned at these times to give Jade a gentle kiss or to put her arm around the Vampire. That would always calm her instinct to kill which Tori realized hadn't gone away, but Jade merely suppressed.

Jade hated seeing Tori treated rudely and her first instinct was to simply murder anyone who so much as looked her love with scorn. But Tori's touch would always make her feel better and help her suppress those instincts. She wanted to suppress her instinct to kill, because it just wasn't right. She wanted to be a better person, for the sake of not only Tori, but her own son.

It was mid-April and Tori and Jade were eating at brand new Turkish restaurant, when Jade heard a voice that gave her chills.

"Oh my God, Jade." Turing in her chair, Jade could see the unmistakable form of her old vampire friend Cassandra coming towards her.

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