Chapter 17 - Anxiety

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 17 – Anxiety

No One's POV.

Having taking the liberty of setting the alarm before drifting off, Tori was awoken at 10:30 her normal waking time. She turned off the alarm quickly, hoping not to wake Jade.

Sitting up in bed, she glanced back at the sleeping Vampire. Jade lay incredibly still, looking a lot like a corpse. For a moment Tori had a creeping fear that Jade was really gone, but quickly dismissed it. She leaned over and kissed her sleeping vampire soul mate tenderly.

Suddenly, Jade's eyes snapped open and she stared straight ahead with an emotionless expression. At the same time, she briefly bared her fangs with a slight hiss. Tori was briefly startled, but knew that Jade would never hurt her. Tori kissed Jade again on the cheek and whispered tenderly. "Go back to sleep sweetie."

Just as quickly, Jade's eyes closed and once again she remained deathly still. Tori made her way up to the large main bathroom and took a shower. The bathroom like every other room in the penthouse was large and well furnished. On the wall there was yet another picture. This one appeared to be Jade with Charlie Chaplin.

Once showered and dressed again, Tori felt cleaner but still a bit fatigued from last night's sexual marathon. Her spirits on the other hand were in fact quite high.

Before she left for the day, she penned a small note.


Words cannot describe how I feel, the closeness and the love that is now in my heart. I will be at school and at work today, but all the while my spirit will be with you. I can't wait until our bodies and souls are one again.

Love Tori.

Upon getting home Tori changed clothes, ate and set out for school. Her mind was only half on her classes that afternoon. The other half remained firmly fixed on a certain sleeping vampire. The only thing that lowered her high spirits was the knowledge that she had to work that night. Even if she had planned to leave her Job, Tori would never quit without notice. She knew she'd have to discuss things later.

After getting out of class, Tori did as she normally did. She had dinner, relaxed and got ready for work. In fact, she needed to relax a bit to decompress from her very intense night. Still having the car, she drove to work and for once didn't have to worry about either the bus or the somewhat treacherous walk from the bus stop to the restaurant.

At about 8:00 Tori was working and all was normal. Her thoughts, as they had been all day, were firmly fixed on Jade.

"Hello Lover" Tori heard Jade say tenderly from behind her just as she was walking back to the counter.

Startled, Tori could see a smiling Jade, sitting in a booth that was empty less than a second ago. In fact, Tori didn't see Jade enter the restaurant. She just, sort of appeared there in the booth.

Tori's face registered surprise, but at the same time she was extremely happy to have her lover present. "Hey....How did you get there? Not only did I not hear the bell on the door ring, I didn't see or hear you get past me."

Jade smirked. "Ultra-powerful ancient vampire, Remember. For once I decided to admire you here and not skulk in the shadows. I'll have the steak and eggs please. Orange Juice, White toast, Eggs over medium, steak.....Bloody. That and I'll have one kiss right now please."

Tori took it all in with a bemused expression, then leaned in and gave Jade a quick kiss. "You're just too much."

Jade smiled. "I try. Just ignore me while you work. "Jade tapped the laptop that was sitting on the table in front of her. "I'll just spend some time running my business empire and watch my girl work."

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