Chapter 28 - How heavy a price

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 28 – How heavy a price.

No One's POV

The priest, ignoring Jade's earlier warning, rushed to Jade's aid. The Vampire was lying face down on the sidewalk and only seemed to be semi-conscious. As he touched her blackened and charred skin, he could feel the heat start to dissipate.

"Home" Moaned Jade. "Must get home...Finish job....then die!"

The priest quickly made a decision. "Miss. If I had not seen you do what you did, I would have never believed that you truly care for this Tori's soul. If you like, I will take you home and pray for her. Since she is dead, I can at least perform last rites."

"Hammersmith building.....keys... pocket." Jade mumbled.

The priest was about to grab Jade then realized he was still carrying the box with the cross. Not wanting the church to lose it a second time, he quickly spoke.

"I will return in a moment."

All Jade did was let out a moan.

The priest ran into the church and luckily encountered one of his fellow priests who was much older.

"Father Ramirez. You look distressed. Is something wrong?" Said the older, grey-haired priest.

The priest aka Father Ramirez smiled and handed the older priest the box. "I'm not sure what I just saw, but you need to keep this safe."

"What is it?"

"It's the cross of Damascus. I need to go....I'll explain later. " Father Ramirez said, as he dashed towards the door.

The older priest opened the box to see a small but simple metal cross. He was quickly interrupted, by father Ramirez. "Oh....Inform the bishop. I have it on good authority that the entire Vampire leadership council has been destroyed, this very night."

A moment later, Father Ramirez was gone, leaving a very puzzled, but excited older priest.

"Oh my." He said.

Father Ramirez ran and picked Jade up. Being a fitness nut, besides a priest, gave him the strength to pick Jade up.

As he did, Jade mumbled. "Touch... boobs...I bite. Only Tori"

He tossed her in the van and found the keys in her jacket pocket. He then got in the driver's side and drove away.

Jade lay there slumped in the seat; her eyes open with a half vacant/half crazed look. Occasionally she'd mumble either incoherently in English or something in a foreign language he did not recognize. She only seemed half there. He surmised the intense pain had demolished a chunk of her sanity.

As he drove, he realized he was about to walk straight into a vampire's den. Something no sane person should do. But this situation was not a sane one. He considered it an act of faith and would not shy away.

This Tori's soul needed saving and that was all that mattered. Though he wasn't sure if he could do anything, he felt obligated to try. If Jade could crawl into a church and pray, then he could walk into her den and pray for this Tori.

When they got to the building, Jade seemed to become slightly more aware.

"Round back....garage.....door opener....glove box."

He followed her instructions and a few more when they got inside, until they reached her private garage. Father Ramirez, quickly grabbed Jade and got her to the elevator.

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