Chapter 24 - Drink

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 24 - Drink

No One's POV

As Tori began to wake up, she quickly realized she was on a hard flat metal surface with both her hands and leg's tied down. Opening her eyes, she realized she was in a dimly lit room. As her eyes focused, she noticed a woman with very short black hair who was leaning over her.

The woman smiled, causing her fangs to gleam brightly for a moment. "Welcome Victoria Vega, girlfriend of Jade." The woman said, in a voice full of menace and hatred.

A surge of panic suddenly ran through Tori as she remembered being abducted. "Where am I? Where's Jade?" Tori suddenly shouted.

The woman chuckled. "Jade is on her way to Russia. We have a nice ambush set up for her. But even if she survives it and comes back, well let's just say she won't like what she finds."

Though gripped with fear, Tori tried to be brave. "When Jade finds you, she's going to destroy all of you. Release me and maybe she'll let you live."

The woman stepped back and laughed, along with 2 others in the room she couldn't see.

"Oh...that's so good. How Jade is going to swoop to your rescue and kill all the bad guys. But first, I've been so rude, permit me to introduce myself. I'm Edda and I was Olaf's consort. You remember Olaf. My beloved Olaf....." Edda seemed to grow angry and began to shout. "WHOM YOUR GIRLFRIEND SLAUGHTERED IN FRONT OF ME."

Edda seemed to calm down. "My companions, who you can't see are Einar and Rolf. We are currently in charge of the Aesir clan."

All Tori wanted to do was cry, but she held back her tears. "Please let me go..." She pleaded.

Edda shook her head. "No...can't do that. You see, Then I couldn't take my revenge. I could just kill you or torture you to death, but that would be all too easy. You're suffering would be over. "

Tori couldn't hold back her tears and began to cry. All she wanted at the moment was to be in Jade's arms. "Please...."

Edda sneered, "Oh shut up you pathetic human. But we'll soon fix that."

Before Tori could even cry out, Edda flashed her fangs and went straight for Tori's throat. A second later, she felt a cold sharp pain on her neck. Unlike Jade who always did it on her shoulder and gently, this was anything but. Edda then started to drink and drink Tori's blood.

As she could feel her life ebbing away, Tori tearfully cried. "JADE!"

Tori could feel a coldness enter her body as she began to feel weaker and weaker. Edda was drinking hardily and deep. But all of a sudden Just as Tori felt herself fading away, Edda stopped and pulled back.

"You see, as a vampire. We can torture you pretty much indefinitely and not worry about you dying on us."

"NO....NO....Please.....Don't...." Tori weakly cried through her tears. "JADE!"

Edda laughed at Tori's distress and then quickly bit down on her wrist, causing blood to gush out of it.

"Drink up....." Edda said as she shoved her open wrist over Tori's mouth.

All of a sudden Tori could feel Edda's blood began to pour into her mouth. She made an effort to spit it out, but couldn't with Edda's wrist firmly over her lips.

"DRINK IT BITCH...NOW!" Edda shouted as she punched Tori in the stomach.

Through the sudden pain in her stomach, Tori tried to hold back the torrent of blood that kept flowing into her mouth. Suddenly she began to choke and she could hold it back no more.

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