Chapter 31 - Out and about

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to Watch over me.

Chapter 31 – Out and about.

No one's POV

Jade happily cried in Tori's arms for several minutes, all the while thinking of the huge hug she would give her little boy. In the back of her mind, she knew it would not be an easy road, but at that moment she didn't care.

"I'm sure you can both make it. Just stay focused on the goal and be there for each other." Father Ramirez said finally.

Remembering they were not alone, Tori and Jade broke apart and wiped their tears. Jade then gave Father Ramirez a grateful look. "Thank you."

"Yes Father, thank you for bringing this to us. You've given both of us hope. Something which has been rather short supply recently. We had each other, but we just weren't sure where things would go." Tori added.

Father Ramirez smiled for a moment, before looking out the window. "I'd love to stay and discuss this in more detail. What the journey means, what obstacles you may face and so on, but I need to return to my parish. It's supposed to snow heavily all night and they say it's going to be a pretty bad storm. They are already considering closing the schools for tomorrow. I need to be at my church. I hope you do not mind. I just wanted to deliver it as soon as possible, even if I can't stay."

Tori quickly nodded. "No, we don't mind at all. Jade and I haven't been out since I turned. We don't pay much attention to weather. It's very understandable. I'll see you out."

Father Ramirez, started to leave and turned to Jade. "You can make it. Despite your past and murderous instincts. Just don't forget that. Goodnight Jade."

"Good night Father Ramirez." Then Jade mused darkly. "I wonder if any of the other priests I killed were as nice as you."

Father Ramirez opened his mouth as if to say something, but then just smiled nervously, as Tori shot her girlfriend a very nasty look."

As they walked to the door, Jade could hear Tori say. "My apologies Father. You'll have to excuse her; she's new to the whole being good thing. You have a good evening."

"Thank you, Miss Tori. Good night."

Upon returning, Tori quickly scolded Jade. "You just had to say that didn't you."

Jade shrugged. "I am getting better. The whole council thing aside, I am improving. For example, that truck driver that grabbed your ass."

Tori quickly cut Jade off. "Yes the truck driver, Hmm...lets see. After he was arrested for running naked in the street and playing with himself in public. He lost his job, his wife divorced him and he was committed to a mental asylum. Because and I quote. That scary girl with the fangs made me do it."

Jade walked up to Tori and slid her arms around the Latina's waist and pulled her in close. "He touched you. I was nice and didn't torture him to death, like that homeless guy who said you sung badly."

Tori quickly grumbled "Yes. Let's mention that."

Jade quickly turned serious. "That's why I need you. I could never make it without you. I love you."

Tori quickly gave Jade a tender kiss. "Now that I can't die, I can conveniently keep you out of trouble until you stop being so crabby all the time."

Though it was said in jest, Jade responded seriously. "It's more than that. You are my soul mate. Without you I'm nothing. You nursed me back to health and without you, I'd never see my son again. I love you and always will."

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