Chapter 26 - Onto Glory

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Disclaimer" The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me

Chapter 26 – Onto Glory

I do apologize for keeping you in suspense, but your patience has been rewarded. A nice long one.

No One's POV

Serapis was in mid-sentence, when a sudden and violent explosion, blasted through the room.

Besides the concussive blast of the explosion, the room was quickly filled with rubble and dust. The rooms inhabitants, having no clue that was about to happen, were caught off guard.

As Jade blazed into the room at full speed, she yelled out an ancient Irish war cry. It was in a dialect of Proto-Celtic that has long since been forgotten. "NICH'CO YAUGH" In English it meant, "Onto Glory"

As she dashed into the room, Jade could see it was in shambles and the council members were strewn on the floor. The blast had managed to stun all of them. Simply bursting into the room, wouldn't do. Jade knew she really needed to get the first few blows and blowing up the wall would do it nicely.

Oche was the council member that Jade found first. He was lying amongst the ruins of the table. Oche was a 2400 year old vampire that was originally from the jungles of central Africa. He prided himself as a warrior and at 6'8", was very imposing. However, he had been nearest the door and had been knocked unconscious.

Swiftly and decisively, Jade smashed a wooden stake through his back that instantly pierced his heart. "You're terminated fucker!"

Jade didn't even wait to see the council member start to turn into dust. Instead, she leaped over some rubble at a figure that she could see was just starting to move. She wasn't quite sure which one it was as she could only see the outline.

As Jade reached the figure, she quickly and swiftly kicked whom she recognized as new council member Chang in the ribs.

"Uuuunnn..." He groaned as Jade kicked him 4 more times, followed by a kick to the head. "Stay on the floor...DOG!"

As he quickly collapsed back to the floor, Jade charged, council member Lin who had managed to get to her feet.

But while on her feet, she still was somewhat dazed. She was even more so when Jade repeatedly punched her in the face. While being very intelligent, Lin wasn't particularly strong and Jade quickly overpowered her. She quickly staggered back as he tried to fend off Jade's hammer like blows.

But she quickly collapsed to the floor. Knowing the others would be on her in a second, as they would all be recovering from the blast, Jade pulled a stake from her Jacket and smashed it into Lin's chest.

The next thing Jade felt, was a solid and rather painful body blow to her lower back that knocked her off balance. Jade could quickly tell, that one of her ribs had been broken. It was Agatha who had gotten up behind her.

Across the room, Serapis was just getting back on his feet. He had partly regained his bearings just in time to see Jade destroy Lin. A second later, he looked to the shattered remains of the chair that Christopher would have been at and realized he had betrayed the council.

Jade was knocked off-balance, but managed to stay on her feet. She knew that going in, that if she wound up on the floor, she wouldn't last long. The large wooden table in the room had been wrecked by the blast leaving long chunks of wood all over the place. Jade knew any of those chunks could be used against her.

Though she was on her feet, she turned to see Agatha flash her fangs as she charged. Quickly Jade found herself up against the wall. As her back hit the wall, her broken rib sent shock waves of pain through her body.

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