Chapter 20 - Pierce the skin

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 20 – Pierce the skin.

Tori's POV

I don't know how long Jade just lay in my arms, this devastated look on her face. In all that time, she didn't say so much as a single word. Eventually she closed her eyes and fell into a deathlike sleep.

I felt terrible about what I said and how it had dredged up probably her most painful memory. But there was little I could do but hold her.

When she finally fell asleep, I carefully took the piece of quartz that her son had given her and carefully placed it on her night stand. That done and being tired myself, readied myself for bed and joined Jade in sleep.

Several hours later I woke up at my normal time of 10:30 to get ready for school. I found myself not wanting to leave Jade alone. But I forced myself and headed off to class. I kept feeling that last night was all my fault and it made me miserable pretty much the entire day.

It was already dark when I came home so I knew Jade would be awake. Coming inside, I found her in the living room watching some old black and white horror movie. As I walked in, I could see a rather morose expression on her face.

"Hello Jade." I said cautiously, not sure what kind of mood she was in.

She looked at me and her expression turned to one of relief. "Come here." She said quietly.

I walked over and took her hand, though she pulled me so I was sitting on her lap. She then wrapped her arms around me and leaned her forehead against my arm.

"Are you ok?"

"Now that you're here, I'm better."

Jade then lifted her head and looked me in the eyes. I could still see the pain in her eyes and all I wanted to do was take it away.

"I'm so sorry about last night Jade. I had no idea; I feel terrible for doing this to you. I feel responsible for all this." I said still feeling tons of guilt.

Jade shook her head. "You didn't know. You had no idea. Don't beat yourself up. I handled it badly."

"I still feel bad."

Jade then only seemed to grip me tighter.

We stayed like this for a few more moments, then I kissed her. "Come on, let's just lay together for a while. We don't have to do anything if you don't feel up to it. I just want to lie with you."

Jade smiled weakly, let me go and took my hand. I could tell just by the way she was looking at me, she was craving love and attention.

I led her back to our crypt and after undressing we just lay together in bed. Her on her back and me wrapped around her. Neither of us did anything, other than just lay there for almost an hour.

"That feels nice." I said softly as I could feel Jade's cool fingers gently stroke my back.

"Thank you." Jade paused for a moment. "I love you Tori. You're my personal angel. Every time you touch me, I feel special. Only you can take away my pain. Make me feel loved again."

Hearing those words, I couldn't feel more loved and special myself. With a smile I moved up on top of her and gazed deeply into her green eyes. "You're everything to me Jade. I love you with all my being. All my love is for you. We were meant to be together."

Jade lifted up her hand and slowly ran it through my hair. "Let's make love."

Not needing any more prompting I leaned in and began to kiss her. Slow soft kisses, not just on her lips but her cheeks and neck, her jawbone and ear. I wanted every inch of her to feel loved and wanted. I wanted to fill her soul; with all the love I could possibly give.

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