Chapter 12 - Are you sure?

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 12 - Are you sure?

No One's POV.

Tori looked up at Jade, her eyes opened wide. "You're giving me a chance Jade?"

Jade nodded. "Yeah."

All of a sudden Tori sat up and slapped Jade in the face.

Jade pulled back, her cheek still stinging. "Hey! What was that for? I give you what you wanted and you slap me. Ok. I know I've been out of the dating scene for a couple of centuries, but I don't think that's how it goes."

Tori waved a finger in Jade's face. "That was for lying to me. I really liked you and you lied to me. I'm sorry but I needed to do that. In order for us to move on with our relationship, I needed to slap you."

Jade shrugged. "Ok. I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, but it's hard to explain certain things. In my defense, I didn't really lie, I just left out huge portions of the truth."

Tori struck again with another slap.

"Stop that!" Jade protested loudly.

Tori pouted for a moment. "That's for not telling me everything."

Jade rubbed her cheek and remarked sarcastically "Crazy me, thinking that you actually liked me and wanted to be with me."


Jade backed away further from Tori. "Now what!" She said exasperated. "One handy dandy tip. Slapping vampires, is not usually a good idea."

"That slap was for joking that I didn't like you and didn't want to be with you. I'm sorry Jade. I have a lot of anger and it's healthy to get it out, so our loving relationship can have a good foundation."

Jade gave Tori a dubious look and cringed in expectation of another slap, which did not come. "Are you done slapping me?"

"Are you done, not telling me the truth?"

Jade slumped in her seat. "I'm afraid if you learn the truth, you'll be repulsed my me. I couldn't blame you if you did. Look. I don't want to backtrack, but you need to learn some things about me, before you may want to move further in this relationship."

Tori thought for a moment and the logical side of her mind was able to briefly take over. "Ok. Fair enough. We should talk. Yes."

Jade started up the car and drove off. "I'll take you home and we can talk a bit. It's probably good that I don't give you the story all at once. Don't want to overwhelm you. As I said, what I told you about myself was true. I was born in Ireland. In what's now known as County Cork. My parents are dead. Those things are both true."

Tori narrowed her eyes. "When were you born."

"In the year 976." Jade said looking a bit embarrassed.

Tori did a double take. "What? 976 A.D. You're a thousand years old."

Jade slunk in her seat a bit. "No. 976 B.C. or what's commonly known as the Iron Age. I'm actually closer to 3000 years old."

Tori crossed her arms with an annoyed look. "And you saw fit not to tell me this."

"You're not going to slap me again?"

"Maybe." Tori suddenly glared at Jade. "You'd better not be married. That will earn you much more than a slap."

"No. I'm not."

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